Dr. Julie Ren is an Assistant Professor with the Urban Geographies Group at the Department of Geography, Planning and International Development, University of Amsterdam and an Assistant Professor at the Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Universität Basel as part of her SNF Starting Grant "Aspirational Urbanism and the Recodification of Defiance" from 2025-2029. The project explores the cruelty of hope and ways of recognizing aesthetic possibilities in the face of inevitability. It engages with cities like Hong Kong and Taipei, and the practice of urban theorizations at the very small scale.
Previously, she has held postdoctoral posts at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, London School of Economics, the City University of Hong Kong and the Universität Zürich, where she completed her habilitation (2023). Her research on art events and spaces has used comparative urbanism as a means to contribute to a more global urban theory. Her latest book is Engaging Comparative Urbanism: Art Spaces in Beijing and Berlin (Bristol University Press, 2021).
She is book forum editor at the journal Urban Geography.
Ren, J. (2024) “Specifying elsewhere and middles” in conversation with S. Teo et al (2023) “Theorizing with Urban China.” Dialogues in Human Geography. 14(3): 444-446. |
Dimitrakou, I. and J. Ren (2023) Boring dystopias in fictional geographies: affective atmospheres of enclosure. Lo Squaderno 66: 29-33. Available online: http://www.losquaderno.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/losquaderno66.pdf |
Ren, J. (2023) “Editorial: Reviving a Platform: Book Review Forums.” Urban Geography 44(4): 567-569. |
Ren, J. and R. Sancarlo (2023) “’We can’t be provincial about Venice’: An interview with Jane da Mosto.” Third Text: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture Online. Available online: http://www.thirdtext.org/interview-damosto. |
Ren, J. (2021) “Understanding Local Impact.” In Past Present Futures of Urban Change. ACT Magazine. Berlin: MitOst e.V. Available online: https://www.actorsofurbanchange.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/ACT_Magazine2021_Digital_Spreads_Small.x47702.pdf |
Ren, J. (2021) “The Wounds of Utter Otherness: Asian Exclusions and the Need for Solidarities.” Society and Space Magazine. Forum on Anti-Asian Violence. Available online: https://www.societyandspace.org/articles/the-wounds-of-utter-otherness-asian-exclusions-and-the-need-for-solidarities |
Ren, J. (2020) “Book Review: Making Urban Theory: Learning and Unlearning Through Southern Cities by Mary Lawhon. Urban Studies 57(14): 3002-3005. |
Ren, J. (2016) Segregation Research on Urban China. CityU on Cities Working Paper Series, No. 1/2016. City University of Hong Kong. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3277.4644 |
Ren, J. (2013) “Gentrification Disco No. 9.” In M. Eddy and F. Lazaridou-Hatzigoga (eds.) 附录 Appendix. 家作坊 HomeShop, 55-57. Ren, J. (2008) Interview with Sir Peter Hall. SP3, Spring(4), 16-18. |
Ren, J. (2008) "Youth Centres in Immigrant Neighbourhoods: A Case Study." SP3, Spring(4), 26-30. |