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Prof. dr. M.P.J. (Mattijs) van de Port

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Exploring Diversity
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: C5.17
Postal address
  • Postbus 15509
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • Profile


    1989 M.A. Cultural Anthropology, University of Amsterdam (cum laude/ with honors)

    1994 Ph.D. Cultural Anthropology, University of Utrecht (cum laude/ with honors)

    2010 Inaugural lecture, VISOR chair 'popular religiosity', Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

    Books :

    1994,  Het einde van de wereld. Beschaving, redeloosheid en zigeunercafes in Servie . Amsterdam: Babylon/De Geus.

    1998,  Gypsies, wars& other instances of the wild. Civilization and its discontents in a Serbian town . Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

    2001,  Geliquideerd. Criminele afrekeningen in Nederland. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff.

    2001,  Ts igani, viyny ta inshi priklady nepriborkanosti . Tsivilizatsija ta ii priktosti u serbs'komu misti. Kiev: Serdar.

    In press,  Ecstatic Encounters. Bahian Candomblé and the Quest for the Really Real . Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

    Mainarticles on Bahia, candomblé, media, religion, sacralisation

    2005 Candomble in pink, green and black. Re-scripting the Afro-Brazilian heritage in the public sphere of Salvador, Bahia. Social Anthroplogy , vol. 13 (1): 3-26.

    2005 Circling around the really real. Possession ceremonies and the search for authenticity in Bahian candomblé. Ethos 33(2):147-179.

    2005 Sacerdotes midiáticos. O candomblé, discursos de celebridade e a legitimacão da autoridade religiosa na esfera pública baiana.  Religiao e Sociedade ,vol. 25 (2): 32-61.

    2005 Echt waar. Of: hoe Antonio A, Franky Z. en Mohammed B. hun geloofsovertuigingen heiligden. De Gids , september 2005.

    2005 Priests and Stars. Candomblé, celebrity discourses and the authentication of authority in Bahia's public sphere. Postscripts 1.2/1.3.

    2005 (with Vincent de Rooij). Johannes Fabian's time in the Netherlands. Etnofoor 18 (2): 125-138.

    2006 Visualizing the sacred. Televisual styles and the religious imagination in Bahian candomblé.   American Ethnologist 33 (3): 444-461.

    2006 'Kicken, man!' Enkele aantekeningen over grensoverschrijding en hedendaagse mystiek. Justitiele Verkenningen jrg. 32, nr. 5: 9-17.

    2007 Bahian White. The dispersion of Candomblé Imagery in the Public Sphere of Bahia. Material Religion vol 3 (2): 242-273

    2007 Re-encoding the Primitive: Some Apocryphal Thoughts on Public Representations of Candomblé. In: Rob van Ginkel & Alex Strating (eds.), Wildness & Sensation. Anthropology of Sinister and Sensuous Realms . Apeldoorn/Antwerpen: HetSpinhuis. Pp. 177-197

    2007 De Islam bestaat niet. In: Francio Guadeloupe &Vincent de Rooij (eds.),

    Zo zijn onze manieren... Visies op multiculturaliteit in Nederland.

    Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers. Pp. 109-11.

    2007 Crossing the Sertao. Going places to Make Things Come Your Way.


    20 (2).

    2008 De echte wereld, daarbuiten.

    De Gids

    , no. 10 (Oktober)

    2009 Body Trouble.

    Material Religion

    5 (2): 232-233.

    2009 Wij zijn geen folklore, wij zijn een religie! Candomblé en de strijd om als Afrikaanse religie erkend teworden.

    Religie & Samenleving

    4 (2): 91-109.

    2009 'Don't ask questions, just observe!'. Boundary Politics in Bahian Candomblé. In: Birget Meyer (ed.),

    Aesthetic Formations. Media, Religion, and the Senses

    .  New York: Palgrave MacMillan. p. 31-53.

    2009 'Wat me nu toch is overkomen ... dat verzin je niet!' Gemaaktheid, geloof en spontaniteit in populaire religiositeit. In: Marcel van den Haak e.a. (eds.),

    Popvirus. Popularisering van Cultuur en Religie

    . Amsterdam: Aksant. pp. 143-155.


    Echt gemaakt. Camp, barok en de culturele productie van het echte.


    6(2): 71-88.

    2011 (Not) Made by the Human Hand. Media Consciousness and Imediacy in the Cultural Production of the Really Real.

    Social Anthropology

    19 (1): 74-89.

    in press,  Inhabitants of the Screen. Celebrity and the Production of Religious Authority in Bahian Candomblé.

    Australian Religious Studies Review



    Ecstatic Encounters. Bahian Candomblé and the Quest for the Really Real. 

    Amsterdam University Press.


    Main articles on Serbia, music, Gypsies, war

    1993 Zevenduizend Tranen. Oorlogsgeschiedenissen, oorlogsherinneringen en oorlogservaringen in Servie. In: Etnofoor 6/1: 14-44.

    1994 Zevenduizend Tranen. Oorlogsgeschiedenissen, oorlogsherinneringen en oorlogservaringen in Servie. In: David Bos & Hans Sonneveld (red.), Het Derde Jaarboek Amsterdamse School voor Sociaal Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek . Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers. pp. 9-35

    1995 "Laat die oorlog in Godsnaam komen". Enkele notities over het verleidingspotentieel van de oorlog. Focaal 25: 79-95.

    1995 "The Boom-BoomDimension of War.". In: Abbink, Jan, Peter Kloos, Mattijs van de Port e.a., Societies of Fear . Utrecht: CERES.

    1995 "Kijk, dames en heren, het zit namelijk zo...!". Enkele kanttekeningne bij de roep om duidelijkheid in een onduidelijke wereld. Etnofoor 8/1: 102-106.

    1996 "Dit is mogelijk".  De Gids 151 nr.4/april 1996.

    1996 "'Europa is een oud wijf, de Balkan een jonge hengst!'. Europa bezien vanuit deMarge". Filosofie Magazine 5/4: 34-40.

    1996 "Coping with the boom-boom dimension of war. Wartime experiences and the gypsy in Serbian popular culture'. In: Kokot, Waltraud&Dorle Dracklé (ed.), Ethnologie Europas. Grenze, Konflikte, Identitaten. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag.

    1997 Outstanding musicians & the stranger within. Etnofoor 10/1-, 7-28.

    1999 The Articulation of Soul. Serb Perceptions of Gypsy Music. Popular Music , 18/3: 397-413.

    1999 `It Takes a Serb to Know a Serb', Uncovering the Roots of `Obstinate Otherness' in Serbia. Critique of Anthropology , vol. 19, nr.1: 7-30.

    1999 Amalia. Some Reflections onthe Death of a Portuguese Star. Etnofoor 12 (2): 7-25

    2000 Het Welsprekende Zwijgen. In: Medische Antropologie 12 (2): 229-232.

    2004 Registers of Incontestability. The quest for authenticity in academia and beyond. Etnofoor 17 (1/2): 1-24.

    2008 Over de noodzaak van dagdromen. Oorlogsbewustzijn en vredesfantasieën. In de Marge 17 (1): 4-16.


  • nieuw


    Onderstaande link geeft toegang tot mijn oratie, uitgesproken op 26 maart 2010 ter aanvaarding van de VISOR leerstoel 'populaire religiositeit' aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam.

  • Publications


    • van de Port, M. (2020). Eight movements and a Coda on the Baroque Atlantic. In M. Balkenhol, R. Llera Blanes, & R. Sarró (Eds.), Atlantic Perspectives: Places, Spirits and Heritage (pp. 152-171). Berghahn. [details]


    • van de Port, M. (2018). Epilogue: Religion, Lived Religion, and the "Authenticity" of Failure. In D. Beekers, & D. Kloos (Eds.), Straying from the Straight Path: How Senses of Failure Invigorate Lived Religion (pp. 124-131). (Studies in social analysis ; Vol. 3). Berghahn. [details]
    • van de Port, M. (2018). In Love with My Footage: Desirous Undercurrents in the Making of an Essay Film on Candomblé. Visual Anthropology Review, 34(2), 136-146. [details]
    • van de Port, M., & Meyer, B. (2018). Introduction: Heritage Dynamics: Politics of Authentication, Aesthetics of Persuasion and the Cultural Production of the Real. In B. Meyer, & M. van de Port (Eds.), Sense and Essence: Heritage and the Cultural Production of the Real (pp. 1-39). (Material mediations: people and things in a world of movement; Vol. 9). Berghahn. [details]




    • van de Port, M. (2015). Reading Bruno Latour in Bahia: or, how to approach the "Great, Blooming, Buzzing Confusion" of life and being without going mad. In M. Jackson, & A. Piette (Eds.), What is existential anthropology? (pp. 84-103). New York, NY: Berghahn Books. [details]
    • van de Port, M., & Mol, A. (2015). Chupar frutas in Salvador da Bahia: a case of practice-specific alterities. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 21(1), 165-180. [details]






    • van de Port, M. (2009). 'Don’t ask questions, just observe!’ Boundary politics in Bahian Candomblé. In B. Meyer (Ed.), Aesthetic formations: media, religion, and the senses (pp. 31-51). (Religion/culture/critique). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • van de Port, M. (2009). 'Wat me nu toch is overkomen … dat verzin je niet!’ Gemaaktheid, geloof en spontaniteit in populaire religiositeit. In M. Aerts, & M. van den Haak (Eds.), Popvirus: popularisering van religie en cultuur (pp. 143-154). Aksant. [details]
    • van de Port, M. (2009). 'Wij zijn geen folklore, wij zijn een religie!' Candomblé en de strijd om als Afrikaanse religie erkend te worden. Religie & Samenleving, 4(2), 91-109. [details]
    • van de Port, M. (2009). Body trouble. Material Religion, 5(2), 232-233. [details]


    • van de Port, M. (2008). Candomblé in pink, green and black: re-scripting the Afro-Brazilian religious heritage in the public sphere of Salvador, Bahia. In M. Lambek (Ed.), A reader in the anthropology of religion. - 2nd ed. (pp. 573-589). (Blackwell anthologies in social & cultural anthropology; No. 2). Blackwell. [details]
    • van de Port, M. (2008). Over de noodzaak van dagdromen: Oorlogsbewustzijn en vredesfantasieën. In de marge, 17(1), 4-16. [details]









    • Van de Port, M. (2017). Criatividade e tecnologias cósmicas nas religiões Afro-cubanas: [Review of: D. Espirito Santo, A. Panagiotopoulos (2015) Beyond tradition, beyond invention : cosmic technologies and creativity in contemporary Afro-Cuban religions]. Religião & Sociedade, 37(2), 265-267. [details]


    • van de Port, M. P. J. (Producer). (2016). The Possibility of Spirits. Digital or Visual Products


    • van de Port, M. P. J., Berliner, D., & Legrain, L. (Eds.) (2013). Social Anthropology (vol. 21, issue 4). Social Anthropology, 21(4).





    Prize / grant

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • van de Port, M. P. J. (invited speaker) (4-12-2014). Keynote lecture: The Slaughtered Peacock and other tales of conspicuous consumption and ecstatic expenditure., Symposium on conspicuous consumption in Africa, Institute for Humanities in Africa (HUMA), Capetown, South Africa..
    • van de Port, M. P. J. (invited speaker) (3-9-2013). Reading Bruno Latour in Bahia. Invited Keynote Lecture., CRESC conference, London.
    • van de Port, M. P. J. (invited speaker) (17-10-2011). Heritage that Talks Back. Or: what Gradska Vijecnica, Elmina Castle and the Old Slave Spirit have to say on the presence of the past, Keynote lecture for the conference Heritage and History: the Past as Sensational Form (Patrimônio e história: o passado como forma sensível)., Salvador, Brasil.
    • van de Port, M. P. J. (invited speaker) (21-7-2011). Driven by Desire. Shopping, Flirting and Praying in the City of Amsterdam., Keynote lecture for the Annual meeting of the International Academy of Practical Theology, Amsterdam.
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities