Lia Karsten (MSc/PhD) is associate professor in Urban Geographies at the University of Amsterdam/AISSR. Her research interests focus on the everyday life in cities and include three interrelated fields: children's geographies, changing family life and in/exclusion in urban public space. Most recently her work concentrates on urban consumption spaces, family tourism and parental narratives on residential idylls. Lia is regularly engaged in the public debate on cities and families as for example:
"Interested in one of my papers? Please let me know and I will send you the publication by email"
Lia Karsten (MSc/PhD) is associate professor in Urban Geographies at the University of Amsterdam/AISSR. Her research interests focus on the everyday life in cities and include three interrelated fields: children's geographies, changing family life and in/exclusion in urban public space. Most recently her work concentrates on urban consumption spaces, family tourism and parental narratives on residential idylls. Lia is regularly engaged in the public debate on cities and families as for example:
"Interested in one of my papers? Please let me know and I will send you the publication by email"
Children's Geographies: Growing up in a Changing Urban Landscape
Changing Family Life: Families consuming and producing City and Suburb ( see also:
In- and Exclusion in Urban Public Space
Supervising PhD's
I have ample experience both as a supervisor of PhD candidates and as a member of PhD commissions in the Netherlands and abroad.
List of Phd's I have supervised/ am supervising:
2019 (graduation expected) |
Ymke Albeda |
Divers Cities |
University of Antwerp (with Stijn Oosterlynck) |
2019 (graduation expected) |
Lianne Verstrate |
‘Other’ urbanisms: children’s place in cities |
Technical University Eindhoven/ Leuven University (with Bruno de Meulder)/ |
2015, 10th of December |
Wilma Bakker |
Residential arrangements after divorce |
UvA (with Clara Mulder) |
2013, 8th of Februari |
Sabine Meier |
Living in commodified history |
UvA (with Arnold Reijndorp) |
2012,5th of July
Willem Boterman |
Residential practices of young urban family households |
UvA Cum Laude (with Sako Musterd) |
2009, 15th of May |
Marjolijn van der Klis |
Commuter Families |
UvA (with Clara Mulder) |
2008, 10th of December |
Tineke Lupi |
Place making in Vinex- new town IJburg |
UvA (with Sako Musterd) |
2004, 27th of Februari |
Renske Emmelkamp |
Safety and everyday spaces of youngsters |
UvA (with Sako Musterd) |
Member of PhD commission, the Netherlands
Member of PhD commission, abroad
Teaching at UvA
I am an enthusiastic teacher at the UvA Urban Geography department.Currently I mainly teach at master/reserch master level. Courses I have developed/given myself:
Vrouwenstudies en Geografie
Stad, stedelijke ontwikkeling en stedelijk leven
Mentoraat courses
Bachelor scriptie project Sociale Geografie
Bachelor scriptie project Planologie
Inleiding in de sociale wetenschappen
Stad, tijd en ruimte
Literature course Urban Geography
Verdiepingsmudule Stadsgeografie
Advanced Urban Geographies
Master thesis project
Research master apprenticeship
Supervising research master thesis
Qualitative methods: geo-skills
University lectures. Invited/ keynotes: selection from 2000 onwards:
New Delhi University/Bernard van Leer Foundation (2-02-2017)
Conference Cities4Kids. Keynote: Small children, big data, smart cities?
Delft University (13-12-2016)
Seminar People versus Bricks. Invited lecture: Architecture and Sociology: on the relationship between cities and everyday family life.
Lectures for profesionals and the wider public (selection):
Invited member of panel discussion: menselijk gedrag en ruimtelijke condities. Amsterdam: Wetenschapscafe Kennislink NEMO. online op NEMO Kennislink en is de radio-opname te luisteren op TXTradio.
Invited lecture, New urban consumption spaces in gentrifying cities. Seminar Urban Studies (CUS/ UvA) : Urban scene investigation on cultural consumption.
Chairing workshop: Families in High-rise. Antwerp: International seminar on Sustainable Childfriendly Cities.
Keynote Multi-locality family lives. Seminar organized by the European network for multi-locality studies. University of Louvain-la-Neuve.
Invited lecture: Le Corbusier en het vraagstuk van de kindvriendelijke hoogbouw. Museum MAS, Antwerpen.
Keynote: Healthy cities for the next generation. Conference on Public Health and Childhood. Winterthur.
Chairing workshop on child poverty. International seminar Childfriendly Cities. Leeds, UK.
Invited member of panel discussion. New Urban Agenda: Urban Playscape Sarajevo. Amsterdam/Pakhuis de Zwijger.
Invited member paneldiscussion De toekomst van wonen in de metropoolregio van Amsterdam. Organized by Metropoool Regio Amsterdam. Amsterdam.
Lunchlezing. Stadsdeel West Amsterdam. Kindvriendelijke openbare ruimte. Amsterdam.
Paper presentation: Raising children in diverse environments. Rotterdam Erasmus University/Dag van de Sociologie. Patronen van stedelijke ongelijkheid. (met Ymke Albeda en Stijn Oosterlinck).
Invited lecture: Social innovation and family gentrification/ Waseda University Tokyo, Japan. Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field codes.
Invited lecture: Childfriendly cities in the Netherlands and Japan. UNICEF/Chiba University , Japan Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field codes.
Chairing conference: Childfriendly City. International Conference, Vienna.
Lecturing/chairing workshop for last year students on High Rise Housing. Rotterdam: Academy of Bouwkunst.
Key note: Small children, big data, smart cities? Conference Cities4kids/Urban 95. New Delhi University/ Bernard van Leer Foundation, New Delhi, India.
Invited lecture: Stad, kinderen, groen. Leiden: Seminar Instituut voor Natuurmonumenten.
Invited lecture/ Chair of two workshops on Urban Planning for Families and Kids. International Conference Child Friendly Cities, Rotterdam.
Member of the international expertmeeting/advisory board (two days). Research projects “Mobility, informal learning and citizenship in mobile preschools” and “A city-wide classroom: time-space aspects of a mobile preschool pedagogy”, Uppsala University.
Keynote: Mapping children’s place in the city: the changing boundaries between public and private space. Seminar: Mixing the private and the public in the city. Aalto University, Helsinki.
Keynote: Amsterdam: gezinnen horen er gewoon bij? Jaarboek symposium. OiS Amsterdam.
EU Amsterdam, een stedelijke raad. Invited lecture: Stadskinderen en Burgerschap. Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam.
Jurylidmaatschap/bijeenkomst Architectuur Locaal Rotterdam: Het stedelijke gezinsappartement. Selectie uit 139 inzendingen.
Lid Promotiecommissie: Fenne van Doorn, Children as co-researchers in design.
TU Delft
Boek presentatie: De nieuwe generatie stadskinderen. Inleiding en organisatie. De Plantage Amsterdam.
Seminar Consuming the City. Research Master Students Urban Studies. Invited lecture: Children Consuming the City.
Debatavond Spui: De nieuwe generatie stadskinderen: over nieuwe idealen en hardnekkige ongelijkheden. Inleiding en organisatie.
Keynote lecture: The playful city: on the rise of new idylls and persistent inequalities. Conference: The playful city. Stockholm/ University of Uppsala.
Debatavond Pakhuis de Zwijger: De nieuwe generatie stadskinderen: een nieuwe uitdaging voor stedelijke ontwerpers. Inleiding en organisatie.
Lunch lezing: De kindvriendelijke stad. Stadsontwikkeling Rotterdam.
Jurylidmaatschap/bijeenkomst Architectuur Locaal Rotterdam: Het stedelijke gezinsappartement. Discussiebijeenkomst/ presentaties/ eindselectie.
Keynote/Theatercollege: Opgroeien en bewegen in Amsterdam. Congres: Alle Amsterdammmers op Gezond Gewicht. Amsterdam: De Meervaart.
Lid promotiecommissie Ivan Nio: Moderniteit en suburbaniteit in de nieuwe stad. Almere, Cergy-Pontoise Milton Keynes
Lid promotiecommissie Döske van der Wilk: Van wie is het plein? Over de (on)toegankelijkheid van de openbare ruimte in een gentrificerende buurt te Amsterdam.
Keynote: Children reclaiming the city: on the shifting boundaries between public and private spaces and the rise of a new inequalities. International conference Child Friendly Cities. University of Gent. Belgium.
Lid promotiecommissie/(enige) opponent: proefschrift John Guy Perrem on Public space, children Japan. Uppsala University/ Geography department.
Lunchlezing De nieuwe generatie stadskinderen. Afdeling Ruimte en Duurzaamheid, stad Amsterdam.
Gastcollege TU Delft/ Afdeling Architecture/Urbanism. Sociology and Architecture: the relationship between everyday (family) life and city.
Workshop organizer/voorzitter van three workshops op het International Conference Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, San Diego (US).
Opgroeien in de stad. Hoofdgast talkshow Stadsleven (Tracy Metz) Amsterdam De Balie.
Lid panel deskundigen bouwen/wonen Amsterdam. Voor wie moet gebouwd/ van wie is de stad? Organisatie 020. Amsterdam, Pakhuis de Zwijger.
Bijdrage studiedag Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving: de opmars van het stadsgezin. Utrecht: City Sense.
Lid Doctoraatcommissie Ymke Albeda. Universiteit van Antwerpen.
Promotie Wilma Bakker (copromotor)
Conference: Tiger Moms or helicopter parents? Diverging parenting styles in China and Europe. Bremen: Jacobs University. Key-note lecture: Parenting in Middle-class households: a comparison between Hong Kong and Amsterdam.
Invited lecture: Woonvormen voor gezinnen. Inhoudelijk programma bij uitreiking Rotterdam Architectuurprijs. Stadhuis, Coolsingel.
De stad voor kinderen. Invited lecture Ambrassade, Brussel.
Chair Lezing Tris Kee: We own the city. Urban Studies, UvA.
Doctoraatscommissie Ymke Albeda , Universiteit van Antwerpen
Childhoods and cities. On the changing relationship between the street, the school and children’s consumption spaces. Uppsala University (invited lecture).
Vertical family living in large cities. City university of Hong Kong (invited lecture).
Children consuming the city. Presentation in workshop Children’s Geographies. 5th Nordic Geographers Meeting, Iceland.
Promotiecie. Elen Maarja Trell: Rural realities, Universiteit van Groningen.
Families at home in the city? Workshop Gentrification. RC43 conference. Amsterdam.
Kinderrechten in de publieke ruimte. Universiteit van Antwerpen (invited lecture).
Kinderen in de stad. Lezing in het kader van debat Gezinnen in de Stad, Amsterdam, Pakhuis de Zwijger (key-note).
Childfriendly cities: opdracht voor ontwerpers? Invited lecture
Academie van Bouwkunst, Groningen
Wie zijn de Amsterdamse gezinnen en hoe willen ze wonen?
Avondseminar Heren 5 Architecten, Amsterdam
Presentatie ChildCity (ERC proposal) AISSR/ UvA
Het alledaags gezin in de stad. Panel lid. Amsterdam: Bond van Nederlandse Architecten.
From yuppies to yupps: families and children re-inventing the city. 3th Conference on geographies of families, children and young people. University of Singapore.
Prachtig compact Nederland: woonwensen van gezinnen. Invited lecture.
NIROV/Rijksbouwmeester, Utrecht
Stedelijk georiënteerde gezinnen en de woningmarkt
Discussieavond D66, Amsterdam
Keynote: Childfriendly cities: Jeugd en Ruimte
Bestuurdersbijeenkomst Provincie Noord-Holland/VNG, Haarlem
Invited lecture: Growing up in today’s neo-liberal, diverse and dense cities
Universiteit Uppsala, Education, Media and Culture
Invited lecture: Families’and children’s place in Urban Planning
Universiteit Uppsala, Kulturgeografi
Invited lecture: Amsterdam Childhoods: Trends, Threats and Challenges
New York: CUNY
Invited lecture: De toekomst van de stad.
Lezing VROM raad, Den Haag.
Sporten in de openbare ruimte: New York. Sportraad Amsterdam.
W. Bakker en L. Karsten. Conference presentation. Residential arrangements after divorce. Munchen: Institut fur Jugend und Family. Conference on Dual Location Households.
Keynote: Nieuw west revisited: buiten spelen in de stad.
Lezing studiedag van Eesterenmuseum. Amsterdam
W. Bakker, L. Karsten & C.H. Mulder (2011). Conference presentation. The continuity and discontinuity of family routines and rituals after separation. The Ninth Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, Milan.
From yuppies to yupps: family gentrifiers re-inventing the city
Keynote, Studiedag Universiteit Utrecht/ Geografie.
Stefan Metaal: Identiteit van stad, dorp en buitenwijk. Opponent Promotiecie.UvA.
Jeroen van Schaick: Timespace matters. Opponent Promotiecie. Delft University.
Internationale Expertmeeting Children and physical environments
Van Leer Foundation Den Haag.
Expertmeeting SEV Publieke Ruimte Rotterdam
Keynote: Groen, bewoners, stad. Seminar Groen Opbouwwerk Arnhem
Expertmeeting/werkconferentie Openbare Ruimte (SEV) Overdinkel
AAG conference presentation Washington: Progressive privatization Families claiming public space for collective interaction (samen met Helen Jarvis, UK)
Sport en ruimte. Invited lecture: in het kader van de Sportcirkel Amsterdam, Olympisch Stadion/Regardz.
Beoordelingscie. NWO Open Competitie, Utrecht.
Expertmeeting Kinderen en de fysieke ruimte. Van Leer Foundation Den Haag
Werkconferentie Publieke ruimte (SEV) Amsterdam Noord
Conference presentation: The Eight Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, Valencia. Lezing: Post-divorce daily life of parents: a comparison between single mothers and co-parents. (samen met Wilma Bakker)
Bijdrage onderzoeksdag (panel lid) Amsterdam Onderzoeksdag GPIO
Inleiding Gezinnen in de stad, Heren5architecten, Amsterdam.
Beoordelingscie. NWO Open Competitie, Utrecht.
Introductie/voorzitten Globe lezing Helen Jarvis: Saving space, sharing time. Amsterdam: UvA.
Lid promotiecie: Edith de Meester: A fine Balance; the residential context & task division between partners. University of Amsterdam, 2 december 2010.
Lid promotiecie: Jeroen van Schaick: Timespace matters. Universiteit Delft, , 2011.
Keynote: Kind en krimp/kind in stad. Provincie Noord-Holland, Haarlem.
Ontbijtsessie Uitwisseling Experts Sportraad Amsterdam met Leden Kenniskring Amsterdam. Onderwerp Sport, Ambtswoning Amsterdam.
Lid promotiecommissie: Fenne Pinkster: Living in concentrated poverty. Opponent Proefschrift. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Excursie IJburg: Ruimte voor bewegen (voorbereiding en deelname). Uitwisseling Sportraad Amsterdam/ Stadsdeel Zeeburg/ Bewonersorganisaties.
Invited lecture: Lectoraat Spel,Hogeschool Utrecht (Pedagogiek) over Geografische Kinderstudies.
Lezing/workshop voor onderzoekers en beleidsmakers over toekomstige onderzoekswegen van kinderstudies. Vlaams Parlement in Brussel.
Expert meeting DRO/DMO gemeente Amsterdam: Ruimte voor Sociaal (over de relatie fysiek-sociaal).
Deelname (op uitnodiging) inspraak Ontwerp Structuurvisie Amsterdam.
Keynote Lezing Universiteit van Ankara: Children’s right to the city: about equality and difference in urban planning.
Deelname besloten seminar universiteit Brussel over jong volwassenen en stedelijke woonlocatie (op uitnodiging).
Presentatie voor Jongerenraad Noord-Holland nav onderzoek Jeugd en Ruimte van de Provincie Noord Holland.
Keynote lezing Barcelona Universitat Autonoma: Diverse Childhoods: children’s bridging social networks at school and in the neighbourhood in different periods of time.
Alnarp Zweden (Faculty of Landscape Planning, Horticulture and Agricultureal Science). Opponent bij promotie Marit Jansson (Management and use of public outdoor playgrounds).
Keynote: PRIMO (Purmerend) over beleidsmatige aandacht van gemeenten voor de fysieke kant van jeugdbeleid.
Keynote: Lezing over de betekenis van Jane Jacobs voor de planning van kindvriendelijke wijken. NAi, Rotterdam.
Expertmeeting Publieke Ruimten, SEV, Rotterdam.
Presentatie over de noodzaak van ruimte voor sport en bewegen (titel: Naar een sportieve Metropool), Olympisch Stadion, DMO, Amsterdam.
Opponent promotie Isabella Pannecoucke, Universiteit Antwerpen (School en buurt gescheiden contexten? Een onderzoek bij kinderen naar de relatie tussen hun buurt en hun schoolervaringen).
Lezing Jeugd en Ruimte naar een intersectorale aanpak. Provincie Noord-Holland, Afdeling Zorg en Welzijn.