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Prof. dr. P.L. (Peter) Geschiere

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Exploring Diversity

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15508
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Peter Geschiere is emeritus professor for the Anthropology of Africa at both the University of Amsterdam and Leiden University; he was also co-editor of ETHNOGRAPHY (SAGE, 2007 - 2021).

    Since 1971 he has undertaken historical-anthropological field-work in various parts of Cameroon and elsewhere in West and Central Africa. His publications include The Modernity of Witchcraft: Politics and the Occult in Post-colonial Africa (Univ. Of Virginia Press, 1997), Perils of Belonging: Autochthony, Citizenship and Exclusion in Africa and Europe  (Univ. of Chicago Press, 2009),  Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison (Univ. of Chicago Press, 2013) and (with Rogers Orock) ‘Anusocratie? Freemasonry, sexual transgression and illicit enrichment in postcolonial Africa, Africa 90(5), 2020:831-51.

  • Publications


    • Orock, R., & Geschiere, P. L. (2024). Conspiracy Narratives from Postcolonial Africa: Freemasonry, Homosexuality, and Illicit Enrichment. University of Chicago Press.


    • Geschiere, P. (2023). Responsibility versus responsibilization: Mafiacraft, witchcraft and the rise of conspiracy thinking today. In M. Demian, M. Fumanti, & C. Lynteris (Eds.), Anthropology and Responsibility (pp. 57-72). (ASA Monographs). Routledge. [details]


    • Bernault, F., & Geschiere, P. L. (2022). Joseph Tonda, the social sciences and the vortex of city life in Africa. Africa, 92(1), 152-160.
    • Geschiere, P. (2022). The Secrets of Fariba Adelkhah’s Anthropology: Intimacy and Mobility. Sociétés Politiques Comparées , 57, 1-12. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. (2021). Dazzled by New Media: Mbembe, Tonda, and the Mystic Virtual. African Studies Review, 64(1), 71-85. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2021). Belonging. In V. Das, & D. Fassin (Eds.), Words and Worlds: A Lexicon for Dark Times (pp. 83-102). Duke University Press.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2021). Getting a second pair of eyes: the precarious balance of healing and killing in Cameroon. In C. Buijs, & W. Welling (Eds.), Healing Power: Living Traditions, Global Interactions (pp. 32-38). Sidestone Press.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2021). Liberté, censure, autocensure : les défis de la recherche: Un hommage à Fariba Adelkhah. Sociétés Politiques Comparées , 55, 1-15.
    • Geschiere, P., & Lucchese, C. (2021). De bas en haut. indocilités politiques et africanisation des sciences sociales. Politique Africaine, 161-162, 57-70.
    • Orock, R., & Geschiere, P. (2021). Decolonization, freemasonry and the rise of 'homosexuality' as a public issue in Cameroon: The return of Dr Aujoulat. African Affairs, 120(478), 26-56. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. (2020). Langages scientifiques et réalités africaines: La « sorcellerie » comme membrane épistémologique. Editions Oudjat en Ligne, 3(1). [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2020). Shifting figures of the witch in colonial and postcolonial Africa. In J. Dillinger (Ed.), The Routledge History of Witchcraft (pp. 299-316). (The Routledge Histories). Routledge. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2020). The (Ir)Responsible Witch: Ambiguities among the Maka of Southeast Cameroon. In B. Rubbers, & A. Jedlowski (Eds.), Regimes of Responsibility in Africa: Genealogies, Rationalities and Conflicts (pp. 180-198). New York: Berghahn Books. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2020). “The African family is large, very large” mobility and the flexibility of kinship – examples from Cameroon. Ethnography, 21(3), 335-354. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2020). Sex as identity or as practice? Comment on Van Klinken, Adriaan. 2019. Kenyan, Christian, queer: Religion, lgbt activism, and arts of resistance in Africa. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. HAU : Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 10(2), 626-629.
    • Geschiere, P., & Orock, R. (2020). Anusocratie? Freemasonry, sexual transgression and illicit enrichment in postcolonial Africa. Africa, 90(5), 831-851. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. (2019). Autochthony, Belonging, and Xenophobia in Africa. In W. R. Thompson (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics Article e-755 (Oxford Research Encyclopedias). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2019). Historicizing belonging in Cameroon. In J. Beek, K. N’Guessan, & M. Späth (Eds.), Zugehörigkeiten: Erforschen, Verhandeln, Aufführen im Sinne von Carola Lentz (pp. 85-100). (Mainzer Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung; Vol. 42). Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2019). The historicity of witchcraft narratives: Examples from the forest region of South Cameroon. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft, 14(3), 371-391. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2019). Le souverain moderne, style camerounais: la Franc-maçonnerie et ses articulations avec les discours locaux sur l’occulte. In N. B. Boundzanga, C-O. Mpaga, & P. Ondo (Eds.), Joseph Tonda – Entre imaginaires et connaissance (pp. 27-42). (Colloques et Rencontres). Paris: L'Harmattan. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2018). African Chiefs and the Post-Cold War Moment: Millennial Capitalism and the Struggle over Moral Authority. In J. L. Comaroff, & J. Comaroff (Eds.), The Politics of Custom: Chiefship, Capital, and the State in Contemporary Africa (pp. 49-79). University of Chicago Press. [details]



    • Duyvendak, W. G. J., Geschiere, P. L., & Wekker, F. E. A. (Eds.) (2016). Homing the Dutch: Politics and the Planning of Belonging. Home Cultures, 13(2).
    • Geschiere, P. (2016). Witchcraft and the Dangers of Intimacy: Africa and Europe. In L. Kounine, & M. Ostling (Eds.), Emotions in the History of Witchcraft (pp. 213-229). (Palgrave Studies in the History of Emotions). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2016). Witchcraft, Shamanism, and Nostalgia: A Review Essay. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 58(1), 242-265. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2016). Witchcraft: The Dangers of Intimacy and the Struggle over Trust. In V. Broch-Due, & M. Ystanes (Eds.), Trusting and Its Tribulations: Interdisciplinary Engagements with Intimacy, Sociality and Trust (pp. 60-84). New York: Berghahn Books. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2016). Éric de Rosny et la violence du monde nocturne. In G. Séraphin (Ed.), Religion, guérison et forces occultes en Afrique: Le regard du jésuite eric de Rosny (pp. 83-96). (Hommes et sociétés). Paris: Karthala. [details]
    • Geschiere, P., & Guadeloupe, F. (2016). Conclusion: Post-script on Sex, Race and Culture. In J. W. Duyvendak, P. Geschiere, & E. Tonkens (Eds.), The Culturalization of Citizenship : Belonging and Polarization in a Globalizing World (pp. 203-218). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Geschiere, P., & Socpa, A. (2016). Changing Mobilities, Shifting Futures. In B. Goldstone, & J. Obarrio (Eds.), African Futures: Essays on Crisis, Emergence and Possibility (pp. 167-180). University of Chicago Press. [details]



    • Geschiere, P. (2014). La réponse de l'auteur. Politique Africaine, 135, 217-224. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2014). The funeral in the village: urbanites' shifting imaginations of belonging, mobility, and community. In M. Diouf, & R. Fredericks (Eds.), The arts of citizenship in African cities: infrastructures and spaces of belonging (pp. 49-66). (Africa connects). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2014). Witchcraft. In V. V. Rao, P. Krishnamurthy, & C. Kuoni (Eds.), Speculation, Now: Essays and Artwork (pp. 41-44). Duke University Press. [details]
    • Geschiere, P., & Socpa, A. (2014). Changing mobilities, shifting futures. In B. Przybył-Ołowski, & J. Swianiewicz (Eds.), Into Africa: learning, acting, sharing (pp. 195-208). (Le Monde Diplomatique). Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy Książka i Prasa.
    • Geschiere, P., & Socpa, A. (2014). Nowe wzory mobilności, nowa przyszłość. In J. Jankowska (Ed.), Ku Afryce: poznawać, działać, dzielić się (pp. 191-215). (Le Monde diplomatique. Artystyka). Warzawa: Instytut Wydawniczy Książka i Prasa. [details]


    • Awondo, P., Geschiere, P., & Reid, G. (2013). Une Afrique homophobe? Sur quelques trajectoires de politisation de l'homosexualité: Cameroun, Ouganda, Sénégal et Afrique du Sud. Raisons Politiques, 2013(1), 95-118. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2013). Witchcraft, intimacy and trust: Africa in comparison. University of Chicago Press. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2013). Autochthony and the politics of belonging. In N. Cheeseman, D. M. Anderson, & A. Scheiber (Eds.), Routledge handbook of African politics (pp. 108-120). (Routledge handbooks). Routledge. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2013). Autochthony, citizenship, and (in)security: new turns in the politics of belonging in Africa and elsewhere. In Z. Gambetti, & M. Godoy-Anativia (Eds.), Rhetorics of insecurity: belonging and violence in the neoliberal era (pp. 40-68). New York University Press. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2013). Sociality and its dangers: witchcraft, intimacy and trust. In N. J. Long, & H. L. Moore (Eds.), Sociality: new directions (pp. 61-82). (WYSE series in social anthropology; No. 1). Berghahn Books. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2013). Autochthonie, Zugehörigkeit und Exklusion: Die widersprüchlichen Verflechtungen des Lokalen und Globalen in Afrika und Europa. Historische Antropologie. Kultur, Gesellschaft, Altag, 21(1), 85-102. [details]


    • Awondo, P., Geschiere, P., & Reid, G. (2012). Homophobic Africa? Toward a more nuanced view. African Studies Review, 55(3), 145-168. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2012). Política de la pertenencia: brujería, autoctonía e intimidad. (Umbrales). Mexico, D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2012). Religion's 'others': Jean Comaroff on religion and society. Religion and Society, 3(1), 17-25. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2012). The political economy of autochthony: labour migration and citizenship in Southwest Cameroon. In J. Abbink (Ed.), Fractures and reconnections: civic action and the redefinition of African political and economic spaces: studies in honor of Piet J.J. Konings (pp. 15-35). (African Studies Centre; No. 5). LIT Verlag. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2012). The return of culture: anthropology's temptations. In N. Faraclas, R. Severing, C. Weijer, & E. Echteld (Eds.), Proceedings of the ECICC-conference Guyana 2001. - Vol. 1: Multiplex cultures and citizenships: multiple perspectives on language, literature, education and society in the ABC-Islands and beyond (pp. 17-27). Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma (FPI) / University of the Netherlands Antilles (UNA). [details]
    • Geschiere, P., & Allen, R. M. (2012). An introduction: multiple cultures and multiplex citizenships in the ABC-islands and beyond. In N. Faraclas, R. Severing, C. Weijer, & E. Echteld (Eds.), Proceedings of the ECICC-conference Guyana 2001. - Vol. 1: Multiplex cultures and citizenships: multiple perspectives on language, literature, education and society in the ABC-Islands and beyond (pp. 13-15). Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma (FPI) / University of the Netherlands Antilles (UNA). [details]


    • Geschiere, P. (2011). 'Sons of the soil': autochthony and its ambiguities in Africa and Europe. In J. Abbink, & M. de Bruijn (Eds.), Land, law and politics in Africa: mediating conflict and reshaping the state (pp. 80-98). (African dynamics; No. 10). Brill. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2011). Autochthony as a "nervous language": some elements of its genealogy. In E. Jul-Larsen, P. J. Laurent, P. Y. Le Meur, & E. Léonard (Eds.), Une anthropologie entre pouvoirs et histoire: conversations autour de l'œuvre de Jean-Pierre Chauveau (pp. 347-368). (Hommes et sociétés). IRD/Karthala. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2011). Autochthony, citizenship and exclusion: new patterns in the politics of belonging in Africa and Europe. In S. Albiez, N. Castro, L. Jüssen, & E. Youkhana (Eds.), Ethnicity, citizenship and belonging: practices, theory and spatial dimensions = Etnicidad, ciudadanía y pertenencia: prácticas, teoría y dimensiones espaciales (pp. 175-198). (Ethnicity, citizenship and belonging in Latin America; No. 1). Iberoamericana. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2011). Autochthony, citizenship and exclusion: paradoxes in the politics of belonging in Africa and Europe. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 18(1), 321-339. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2011). L’autoctonia e le contese sulla cittadinanza: nuovi sviluppi nelle politiche dell’appartenenza nell’Africa del dopo guerra fredda. Afriche e Orienti, 2011(3-4), 16-33. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2011). The 1994 forest law in Cameroon: neoliberals betting on "the" community. In N. Schareika, E. Spies, & P-Y. Le Meur (Eds.), Auf dem Boden der Tatsachen: Festschrift für Thomas Bierschenk (pp. 477-494). (Mainzer Beiträge zur Afrika-Forschung; No. 28). Köppe. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. (2010). Autochthony: local or global? In U. Freitag, & A. von Oppen (Eds.), Translocality: the study of globalising processes from a southern perspective (pp. 207-228). (Studies in global social history; No. 4). Brill. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2010). Een worsteling met productiewijzen. Krisis, 2010(2), 45-48. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2010). Homosexuality in Cameroon: identity and persecution. In I. Dubel, & A. Hielkema (Eds.), Urgency required: gay and lesbian rights are human rights (pp. 126-131). Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (Hivos). [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2010). Sorcellerie... comment guérir le mal qui vient de l'intérieur? In L. Lado (Ed.), Le pluralisme médical en Afrique: colloque international de Yaoundé, 3-5 février 2010: hommage à Éric de Rosny (pp. 429-448). Karthala. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2010). The self-reflective turn in ethnography: from dialogue to narcissism? Etnofoor, 22(1), 137-146. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2010). Witchcraft and modernity: perspectives from Africa and beyond. In L. Nicolau Parés, & R. Sansi (Eds.), Sorcery in the black Atlantic (pp. 233-258). University of Chicago Press. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. (2009). Perils of belonging: autochthony, citizenship, and exclusion in Africa and Europe. University of Chicago Press. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2009). Autoctonia: locale o globale? In A. Bellagamba (Ed.), Inclusi/esclusi: prospettive africane sulla cittadinanza (pp. 3-31). UTET. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2009). Is there "a" postcolonial condition? The Salon / Johannesburg Workshop in Theory and Criticism, 1(1), 23-25. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2009). La stregoneria e i limiti della legge in Camerun e Sud Africa. In R. Beneduce (Ed.), Poteri e identità in Africa subsahariana (pp. 59-93). Liguori Editore. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2009). Von Gravenreuth and Buea as a site of history: early colonial violence on Mount Cameroon. In I. Fowler, & V. G. Fanso (Eds.), Encounter, transformation and identity: peoples of the western Cameroon borderlands, 1891-2000 (pp. 69-92). (Cameroon studies; No. 8). Berghahn. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. (2008). [Review of: H.G. West (2007) Ethnographic sorcery]. African Studies Review, 51(3), 138-140. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2008). Witchcraft and the state: Cameroon and South Africa: Ambiguities of ‘reality’ and ‘superstition’. Past & Present, 199(3), 313-335. [details]
    • Geschiere, P., Meyer, B., & Pels, P. (2008). Introduction. In P. Geschiere, B. Meyer, & P. Pels (Eds.), Readings in modernity in Africa (pp. 1-43). Currey / Indiana U.P. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2007). Epilogue: ''Seeing like a State'' in Africa, High Modernism, Legibility and Community. African Studies, 66(1), 205-213.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2007). Regional Shifts, Marginal Gains and Ethnic Stereotypes. African Studies Review, 50(2), 43-56.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2007). Returning to ''the Mountain''. In D. F. Bryceson, J. Okeley, & J. Weber (Eds.), identity and Networks, Fashioning gender and ethnicity across cultures (pp. 273-286). Oxford: Berghahn Books.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2007). Witchcraft and kinship among the Maka. Issues of Inequality and the Production of Knowledge. In T. Bierschenk, & et al. (Eds.), Une Antropologie entre rigueur et engagement. Essais autour de lóeuvre de J.P. Olivier de Sardan Parijs: Karthala.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2007). Witchcraft. In D. S. Clark (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives vol. 3 (pp. 1586-89). Londen: Sage.
    • Geschiere, P. L., Goheen, M., & Piot, C. (2007). Marginal Gains Revisited. African Studies Review, 50(2), 37-41.
    • Geschiere, P. L., Goheen, M., & Piot, C. (Eds.) (2007). Life Begins at Fifty: African Studies Enters Its Age of Awareness. African Studies Review, 50(2).


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2006). Afterword. Social Anthropology, 14(1), 119-123.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2006). Autochthony and Citizenship: New Modes in the Struggle over Belonging and Exclusion in Africa. QUEST, 18(1-2), 9-25.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2006). Communautés locales et autochtonie: Le danger des notions inadaptées au Cameroun. In L. Bérard (Ed.), Biodiversité et savoirs naturalistes locaux en France (pp. 79-85). Montpellier: CIRAD.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2006). Proyectos de autoctonía y pertenencia en el África actual. Anales de Desclasificación, 1(1), 179-193.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2006). Tournaments of Value in the Forest Area of Southern Cameroon: "Multiple Self-realization" versus Colonial Coercion During the Rubber Boom (1900-1913). In W. H. M. van Binsbergen, & P. L. Geschiere (Eds.), Commodification - Things, Agecny and Identities (pp. 243-265). Berlin/Munster/Vienna/London: Lit.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2006). Witchcraft and the Limits of the Law: Cameroon and South Africa. In J. Cornaroff (Ed.), Law and disorder in the postcolony (pp. 219-247). Chicago: Chicago University Press.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2006). Éditorial. The African Anthropologist, 12(1), 4-11.


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2005). "Hekserij" in Afrika: De Fascinatie van het Kwaad. In R. Wiche (Ed.), Des Duivels: Het Kwaad in Religieuze en Spirituele Tradities (pp. 144-160). Leuven / Voorburg: Acco. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2005). Funerals and Belonging: Different Patterns in South Cameroon. African Studies Review, 48(2), 45-65. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2005). The State, Witchcraft and the Limits of the Law - Cameroon and South Africa. In E. de Rosny (Ed.), Justice et Sorcellerie (pp. 87-121). Yaounde: Presses de l'Université d'Afrique Centrale. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L., & Ceuppens, B. (2005). Autochthony: Local or Global? New Modes in the Struggle over Citizenship and Belonging in Africa and Europe. Annual Review of Anthropology, 34, 385-407. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2004). "Liberalisierung und die Produktion von Lokalität - Zu einer "Re-Komposition" des afrikanischen Dorfes". In R. Loimeier, D. Neubert, & C. Weissköppel (Eds.), Globalisierung und Konzept von Hamdeln in Afrika (pp. 209-236). Bayreuth: Einleitung. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2004). Comment on "Modernity and Its Aspirants - Moral Community and Developmental Eutopianism in Buganda", by Mikael Karlström. Current Anthropology, 45(5), 610-611.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2004). Ecology, belonging and xenophobia: the 1994 forest law in Cameroon and the issue of 'community'. In H. Englund, & F. B. Nymanjoh (Eds.), Rights and the Politics of Recognition in Africa (pp. 237-261). London: Zed Books. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2004). The Return of Culture: Anthropology's Temptations. In I. Hoving, F-W. Korsten, & E. van Alphen (Eds.), Africa and Its Significant Others (pp. 5-95). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2003). 'Jamais en public'. Alternatives Internationales, 7, 13. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2003). 'On Witch Doctors and Spin Doctors: The Role of `Experts¿ in African and American Politics'. In B. Meyer, & P. Pels (Eds.), Magic and Modernity, Interfaces of Revelation and Concealment (pp. 159-183). Stanford: Stanford U.P.. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2003). 'Préface'. In P. Petit (Ed.), Ménages de Lubumbashi - Entre précarité et recomposition (pp. 4-7). Paris: L¿Harmattan. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2003). 'Re-interpreting the Local, Autochthony, Democratization and New Modes in the Politics of Belonging in Present-day Africa'. In M. Diawara (Ed.), L¿interface entre les savoirs paysans et le savoir universel (pp. 56-74). Bamako: Figuier. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2003). 'Witchcraft as the Dark Side of Kinship - Dilemmas of Social Security in New Contexts'. Etnofoor, XVI, 43-62. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2003). The Modernity of Witchcraft, Politica and the Occult in Postcolonial Africa. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L., & Meyer, B. (2003). Globalization and Identity, Dialectics of Flow and Closure. Oxford: Blackwell. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2002). Witchcraft. In Elsevier¿s International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences Oxford: Elsevier. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L., & Fisiy, C. (2002). "Witchcraft, Development and Paranoia in Cameroon. Interactions between Popular, Academic and State Discourse". In H. L. Moore, & T. Sanders (Eds.), Magical Interpretations, Material Realities. Modernity, Witchcraft and the Occult in Postcolonial Africa London: Routledge. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L., & Pandey, G. (2002). The Forging of Nationhood. The Contest over Citizenship, Ethnicity and History". Delhi: Manohar. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. (2001). Shaka and the Limits of Colonial Invention [Review of: C. Hamilton (1998) Terrific majesty: the powers of Shaka Zulu and the limits of historical invention]. African Studies Review, 44(2), 167-177. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2001). Autochthony as an Alternative to Citizneship: New Modes in the Politics of Belonging in Postcolonial Africa. In E. Kurimoto (Ed.), Rewriting Africa: Towards Renaissance or Collapse? (pp. 209-237). Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2001). Historical Anthropology: Questions of Time, Method and Scale, Interventions. Interventions, 3(1), 31-40. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2001). J'étais là avant. Problématiques politiques de l'autochtonie, dossier Variations. Critique Internationale, 10, 126-195. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2001). Regard académique, sorcellerie et schizophrénie. Annales, histoire, sciences sociales, 56(3), 634-651. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2001). Witch-doctors et spin-doctors: le rôle des 'experts' dans la vie politique en Afrique et aux Etats-Unis. Politix, 54, 15-43. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2001). Witchcraft and New Forms of Wealth: Regional Variations in South and West Cameroon. In P. Clough, & J. P. Mitchell (Eds.), Power of Good and Evil, Social Transformation and Popular Belief (pp. 43-77). Oxford: Berg. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L., Bayart, J-F., & Nyamnjoh, F. (2001). Autochtonie, démocratie et citoyenneté en Afrique. Critique Internationale, 10, 177-195. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2023). Book review: Mafiacraft – An Ethnography of Deadly Silence | Deborah Puccio-Den [2022]. Droit et Societé.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2023). Un regard sur Éric. In A-N. Perret-Clermont, J-D. Morerod, & J. Blanc (Eds.), Cultures et Guérisons. Éric de Rosny - L’intégrale (Vol. Volume 1, pp. 85-94). Éditions CLÉ.


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2022). Un regard sur Éric. In A-N. Perret-Clermont, J-D. Morerod, & J. Blanc (Eds.), Cultures et Guérisons. Éric de Rosny - L’intégrale (Vol. Tome 1, pp. 85-94). (Collection Ethnographies; Vol. 503). Éditions Livreo-Alphil.





    • Geschiere, P. (2015). Postface. In J. Tonda (Ed.), L'impérialisme postcolonial: Critique de la société des éblouissements (pp. 243-246). (Les Afriques). Paris: Karthala. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2015). Le jeune Bayart ert le discours foudroyant du grand parti unique: Ou comment prendre un imaginaire ingrat au sérieux? In La bande à Bayart (Ed.), À bas les fonctionnaires apathiques et ventripotents: pour un fonctionnaire intellectuellement fécond et physiquement disponible, en avant! (pp. 81-91). Paris: Karthala.



    • Geschiere, P. (2008). Een nieuw idee van emigratie in Kameroen: 'Bushfalling': jagen in rijke landen. De linker wang: platform voor geloof en politiek, 2008(4), 24-25. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2008). Homoseksueel in Kameroen: identiteit en vervolging. In I. Dubel, & A. Hielkema (Eds.), Urgentie geboden: homo- en lesborechten zijn mensenrechten (pp. 126-131). SWP. [details]
    • Geschiere, P., Meyer, B., & Pels, P. (Eds.) (2008). Readings in modernity in Africa. (Readings in...). International African Institute. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2007). Nawoord. In V. de Rooij, & F. Guadeloupe (Eds.), Zo zijn onze manieren: visies op multiculturaliteit in Nederland (pp. 199-207). Amsterdam: Rozenberg.



    • Meyer, B., & Geschiere, P. L. (2005). series 'Modernity and Belonging'. Hamburg: LIT Verlag. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2004). "De dubbelzinnigheid van hekserij - Over het kwaad in Afrika". In Tropenmuseum, Het Kwaad - All about Evil (pp. 48-55). Amsterdam: KIT. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2004). "De verdwenen kunstenaar: Congo in het Tropenmuseum". Facta, 5, 16-18. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2003). "Crisis en het Alledaagse - Veena Das over de Doorwerking van `Critical Events' in het Dagelijkse Leven". Facta, 11(5), 8-10. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. (2001). [Review of: A. Eckert (1999) Grundbesitz, Landkonflikte und kolonialer Wandel: Douala 1880 bis 1960]. Africa, 71(4), 709-710. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2001). Issues of Citizenship and Belonging in Present-day Africa. In L. Kropaxcek, & P. Skalnik (Eds.), Africa 2000, Forty Years of African Studies in Prague. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2001). Liberalization and New Struggles over Belonging: Towards a Recomposition of the Village in Africa? In J. A. Anderson, & M. Breusers (Eds.), Kinship Structures and Enterprising Actors: Anthropological Essays on Development [details]


    • Geschiere, P. (2018). Belonging. In G. Desai, & A. Masquelier (Eds.), Critical Terms for the Study of Africa (pp. 27-39). (Critical Terms). University of Chicago Press. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. (2017). Afterword: Academics, Pentecostals and Witches: The Struggle for Clarity and the Power of the Murky. In K. Rio, M. MacCarthy, & R. Blanes (Eds.), Pentecostalism and Witchcraft: Spiritual Warfare in Africa and Melanesia (pp. 281-291). (Contemporary Anthropology of Religion). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. (2015). [Review of: I. Niehaus (2013) Witchcraft and a life in the new South Africa]. Journal of Religion in Africa, 45(2), 225-227. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. (2015). [Review of: J.-F. Bayart (2014) Le plan cul: Ethnologie d'une pratique sexuelle]. Revue Française de Science Politique, 64(5), 1025-1027. [details]



    • Geschiere, P. (2009). [Review of: G. Steinmetz (2007) The devil’s handwriting: precoloniality and the German colonial state in Qingdao, Samoa and Southwest Africa]. American Journal of Sociology, 115(1), 289-291. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2005). [Review of: D. Malaquais. Architecture, pouvoir et dissidence au Cameroun]. Africa. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2005). [Review of: E.M. Chilver, U. Roschenthaler. Cameroon’s Tycoon; S. Ardener. Swedish Ventures in Cameroon]. Africa. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2005). [Review of: N. Whitehead, R. Wright. In Darkness and Secrecy: The Anthropology of Assoault Sorcery and Witchcraft in Amazonia]. Journal of contemporary religion. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2005). [Review of: P. Stoller. Stranger in the Village of the Sick]. American Anthropologist. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L., & Konig, R. (2005). De Maalstroom van Congo - Filip de Boeck over Kinshasa. Karakter: tijdschrift van wetenschap, 11, 20-23. [details]



    • Geschiere, P. (2003). [Review of: B. Jewsiewicki, B. Plankenstein (2001) An/Sichten - Malerei aus dem Kongo, 1990-2000]. Cahiers d'études africaines, 43(171), 673-675. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. (2002). Gruesome rumours, the reality question and writing history [Review of: A. Ashforth (2000) Madumo: a man bewitched; L. White (2000) Speaking with vampires: rumor and history in colonial Africa]. The Journal of African History, 43(3), 499-501. [details]


    • Geschiere, P. L. (2001). The Elusive Community - Problems and Opportunities for the Application of the New Forest Law (1994) in the East Province of Cameroon. onbekend: onbekend_FMG. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2001). [Review of: A. Ashforth (2000) Madumo: a man bewitched]. Critique Internationale, 13. [details]
    • Geschiere, P. L., Nyamnjoh, F., & Socpa, A. (2001). Autochthony versus Citizenship - Variable Effects of Political Liberalization in Cameroon. Paris: Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, Paris. [details]

    Prize / grant

    • Geschiere, P. L. (2004). "scholar of the day".
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2002). Distinguished Africanist of the Year Award.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Geschiere, P. L. (2014). Visiting professor course on ‘Cultural dynamics in Africa', HEM School of Management, Rabat, Marocco.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2014). Visiting professor for Course on ‘Autochthony and Modernity’ for Pre-dissertation Fieldwork Program, Social Research Council (New York).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2008). Member Steering Committee, NWO Programme "Cultural Dynamic".
    • Geschiere, P. L. (2007). co-editor of the journal ETHNOGRAPHY, Sage Publishers.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (1995-2011). Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    • Geschiere, P. L. (member of editorial board) (2018-2019). Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft (Journal).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (member of editorial board) (2010-2021). African Studies Review (Journal).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (member of editorial board) (2010-2024). Africa (Journal).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (editor) (2009-2011). Critique of Anthropology (Journal).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (member of editorial board) (2008-2018). Africa (Journal).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (editor) (2008). Critique of Anthropology (Journal).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (editor) (2007). Critique of Anthropology (Journal).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (editor), Goheen, M. (editor) & Piot, G. (editor) (2007). African Studies Review (Journal).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (editor) & Willis, P. (editor) (2007-2021). Ethnography (Journal).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (member of editorial board) (2002-2021). Afrika Spectrum (Journal).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (member of editorial board) (1985-2024). Politique Africaine (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Geschiere, P. (keynote speaker) (27-6-2019). Langages scientifiques et réalités africaines – La « sorcellerie » comme membrane épistémologique, Université de Libreville.
    • Geschiere, P. (keynote speaker) (7-5-2019). Witchcraft and Capitalism, Università La Sapienza.
    • Geschiere, P. (keynote speaker) (1-5-2019). Productive Friction – History and Anthropology on “Witchcraft”, Durham University, History Department.
    • Geschiere, P. (keynote speaker) (17-4-2019). The Secular State in Africa and Its Challenges - ‘Witchcraft’, Pentecostalism, Freemasonry., African Studies Center, University of Harvard.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (keynote speaker) (24-4-2018). Feitiçaria, Intimidade e Confiança’ (Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust), Kaleidoscopio, Maputo.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (keynote speaker) (18-4-2018). The Witchcraft of the House Going Global – New Articulation of Suspicion in the Contemporary, WISER, University of the Witwatersrand.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (keynote speaker) (28-2-2018). The Witchcraft of the Houses is Going Global – How to Deal with the Dynamics of Witchcraft Discourses and Practices, Centre for Basic Research, Kampala.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (keynote speaker) (19-2-2018). African Chiefs and the Post-Cold War Moment: Millennial Capitalism and the Struggle over Moral Authority, University of Witwatersrand.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (keynote speaker) (1-5-2017). The Hybridity of “Witchcraft”: Field-work experiences in Cameroon in comparative perspective, Museum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (keynote speaker) (24-4-2017). Commodification, Accumulation and Composition -The Rubberboom in German Kamerun, Universität Leipzig.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (keynote speaker) (21-4-2017). Franc-Maçonnerie, Sorcellerie et Homosexualité – Comment comprendre l’explosion récente de la homophobie au Cameroun?, University of Louvain la Neuve.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (keynote speaker) (31-3-2017). Croire ou ne pas croire à la sorcellerie?, Institue of Graduate Studies, Maison de la Paix, Geneva.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (keynote speaker) (16-2-2017). Le souverain moderne, sylte camerounais – La franc-maçonnerie et ses articulation vec les discours locaux de l’occult, Université Omar Bongo, dept. de sociologie.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (keynote speaker) (1-12-2016). Tempting Transgressions – Same-Sex Practices as a Challenge to African Studies, African Studies Review Distinguished Lecture, Washington DC.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (24-11-2016). Museums, Citizenship and Belonging, Museum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (keynote speaker) (22-7-2016). Capitalism and Witchcraft, Deutsche Afrikanistenverein.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (keynote speaker) (29-6-2016). Witchcraft, Freemasonry and Homosexuality – Postcolonial Obsessions in Cameroon (and Elsewhere), WISER, University of the Witwatersrand.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (keynote speaker) (15-6-2016). Face à la sorcellerie, L’État et les institutions face à la sorcellerie dans l’Afrique conbtemporaine, Paris.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (2016). Witchcraft and the Dangers of Intimacy: Africa and Europe, Witchcraft and Emotions, Berlin.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (2016). Witchcraft, Homosexuality and Freemasonry – Popular Imaginaries of Affliction, Healing and Medecine, Point Sud, Stellenbosch.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (2016). Witchcraft and Practices of Trust in Family, Work and Migration, Point Sud, Bamako.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (2016). The Historicity of Witchcraft Narratives – Examples from the Forest Region of South Cameroon, Narrating Witchcraft – Agency, Discourse and Power, Erfurt.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (invited speaker) (15-10-2015). Ethnicity: pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial - Africa in comparison, Conference on ethnivity in pre-colonial societies, Keulen.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (22-9-2015). Autochthony and black citizenship, Workshop on ‘Black Citizenship - The Politics of Cultural Heritage Formation in South Africa and the Netherlands, Universiteit Utrecht.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (16-7-2015). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Issue of Epistemology, University of Rostock, Rostock.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (invited speaker) (19-6-2015). Sorcellerie, intimité et crise de la présence - souffrances chez les Maka (Cameroun), Conférence il rovescio della immigrazione, Turijn.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (8-4-2015). (Homo)Sexuality and Freemasonry - Cameroonian Constructs of Homophobia, University of Uppsala, Uppsala.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (invited speaker) (6-2-2015). Genre et citoyenneté, REASOPO, CERI, Parijs.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (9-12-2014). Eric de Rosny et les dangers de la nuit, Lecture at Conference to the memory of Eric de Rosny, Catholic University of Central Africa, Yaounde, Cameroon.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (3-12-2014). The Return of Chieftaincy - Africa since the Post-Cold War Moment, Lecture at University of Buea, Cameroon.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (23-10-2014). Autochthony, Citizenship and Exclusion, Lecture at University of Helsinki, Helsinki.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (21-10-2014). Changing mobilities, Shifting Futures, Lecture at African Studies Association, Indianapolis.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (3-10-2014). Presentation "Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison", at University of Tromso, Tromso (Norway).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (23-9-2014). Presentation "Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison", at Emory University, Atlanta.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (invited speaker) (25-4-2014). The Return of Chieftaincy in Africa, keynote, conference on chieftaincy, African Studies Center, Harvard, Cambridge.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (27-3-2014). Presentation "Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison", at University of Oslo, Oslo.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (25-3-2014). Emanuel Terray et la relevance d’une anthropologie marxiste aujourd’hui, at Musée Quai Branly, Paris.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (21-3-2014). Homophobic Africa ? Towards a more nuanced approach., African Studies Center, Leiden.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (14-3-2014). Presentation "Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison", at Universiteit Groningen, Groningen.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (6-3-2014). Presentation "Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison", at Université Mohamed VI, Rabat.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (21-1-2014). Presentation "Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison", at University of Bayreuth, Anthropology Dep., Bayreuth.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (invited speaker) (17-1-2014). African Futures, keynote Program African Futures, Univ. of Bayreuth, Bayreuth.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (12-12-2013). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison. Presentation, Université de Bordeaux, LAM, Bordeaux.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (4-12-2013). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison. Presentation, Universiy of Aarhus, Aarhus.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (19-11-2013). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison. Presentation, At Oxford, Ohio, Oxford.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (19-11-2013). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison. Presentation, University of Miami, Miami.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (9-10-2013). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison. Presentation, SOAS, London, dept. of anthropology, London.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (5-6-2013). Witchcraft and Entrepreneurship, TOTAL company, annual conference on Africa, St. Tropez.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (29-5-2013). Autochthony, Citizenship and Exclusion, University of Thessalia, Volos.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (7-5-2013). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison. Presentation, Max Plancke Institute, Gottingen.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (20-3-2013). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison. Presentation, Univ of Edinburgh, African Studies Center, Edinburgh.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (4-3-2013). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison. Presentation, Northwestern University, African Studies Center.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (25-1-2013). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison. Presentation, Univ. of Wisconsin Department of Anthropology, Madison.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (invited speaker) (2013). Lord Lugard and the Ambiguities of Belonging : From Indirect Rule to Present-day Issues of Autochthony’, Lugard Lecture 2007.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (29-11-2012). Gay Identities and Homophobic Reactions in Cameroon, paper for panel on ‘Commoditizing Identities – Recent Cameroonian Trajectories’ at annual conference African Studies Association (USA), Philadelphia.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (invited speaker) (22-10-2012). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust - Africa in Comparison, keynote for Ph.D. conference, dept. of anthropology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (19-10-2012). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust, paper for staff-seminar, University of St. Andrews, dept. of anthropology, Edinburgh.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (11-9-2012). New Forms of Migration: Bush-falling as Role-Model in Cameroon, presentation for workshop on Migration, Citizenship and Belonging, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Accra.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (18-5-2012). Witchcraft: The Dangers of Intimacy and the Struggle over Trust, Paper for workshop ‘The Entangled Tensions of Intimacy, Trust and the Social.’ University of Bergen (Norway), dept. of anthropology, Bergen (Norway).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (invited speaker) (4-5-2012). Homophobia and Citizenship in Cameroon and Elsewhere in Africa, Keynote address: for conference on Culture, Citizenship and Belonging, Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, Willemstad.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (8-12-2011). Sorcellerie, intimité et confiance - perspectives africaines, Invited lecture for dept. of anthropology, Univ. de Louvain--la-neuve, Louvain-la neuve.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (14-11-2011). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust - Africa and Europe, Invited lecture dept. of anthropology Yale University, New Haven.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (17-10-2011). Belonging, Heritage and the Denial of History in an African Society, invited lecture for conference Patrimonio e historia: a passado como forma sensational, UFBA, Salvador de Bahia.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (3-10-2011). Autochtonie, citoyennete et exclusion. Enjeux d'appartenance en Afrique et en Europe., invited lecture ofr seminar of Institut des Htes Etudes de Belgique / Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (invited speaker) (13-7-2011). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust - Africa in Comparison, Invited lecture of Johannesburg Workshop in Critical Theory, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (17-5-2011). Autochthony and New Modeas of Exclusion - The Relevance of Post-colonial Studies, Invited lecture for Max Plancke Institut, Halle.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (invited speaker) (7-5-2011). African Urbanites and the Funeral in the Village: An Ultyimate Test of Belonging?, invited lecture for Conference on The Art of Citizienship in African Cities, New York, Columbia University.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (5-5-2011). New Patterns in the Politics of Belonging in Africa and Europe - Autochthony and Its Ambiguities, Keynote for Conference on Locality and Transnational Processes, Bielefeld.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (3-2-2011). Sorcellerie et intimité - Perspectives comparatives, annual conference REASOPO / C ERI, Paris.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (14-1-2011). Reflexions on an African anthropology, Opening of Catholic University of Bamenda, Bamenda (Cameroon).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (24-11-2009). The Politics of Belonging: Cizenship, Autochthony and Exclusion, Keynote speech for social science seminar at the World Bank, Washington.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (7-10-2009). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison, paper presented at staff seminars anthropology at University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) & Guadeloupe, F. E. (speaker) (16-6-2009). The Religion of the Urban Cool: Kut Marokkanen, Sapeurs and Bushfallers, paper presented at conference on Youth and Citizenship in Africa, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (7-5-2009). Witchcraft and the Law: Cameroon and SAfrica, paper presented for staff seminar anthropology, University of Bergen, Bergen.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (19-3-2009). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison, paper presented at staff seminars anthropology at Brunel University, London.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (6-3-2009). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison, paper presented at staff seminars anthropology at University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (19-2-2009). Witchcraft, Intimacy and Trust: Africa in Comparison, paper presented at staff seminars anthropology at Oxford University, Oxford.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (11-7-2008). Lord Lugard Lecture, Lord Lugard and the Colonial Paradox, Indirect Rule and Autochtony, Leiden, IAI/AEGIS.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (25-10-2007). The Perils of Belonging- Autochtony, Citizenship and Exclusion in Africa and Europe, PASSIM, Berlin, Humboldt universitat.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (19-10-2006). Witchcraft in Africa and Brasil, keynote for conferentie Witchcraft in Africa and Brasil, Center for African Studies, Federal University of Bahia, S. Salvador.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (12-5-2006). Witchcraft and the State, New Developments in Cameroon, Staff seminar Anthropoly, Londond School of Economics, London.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (24-4-2006). Witchcraft and the Limits of the Law, Examples from Cameroon and South Africa, Staff seminar anthropology, University of Stanford, Palo Alto.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (18-4-2006). Autochthony, Citizenship and the Politics of Belonging in Present-day Africa and Europe, Lezing voor anthropology, New School, New York.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (15-12-2005). ‘Von Gravenreuth and Buea as a Site of History - Early Colonial Violence on Mount Cameroon’, University of Basel, Center for African Studies, Basel.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (19-11-2005). ‘Marginal Gains and Ethnic Contrasts in South Cameroon’, Annual Conference African Studies Association, Washington.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (3-11-2005). ‘Autochtonen, Burgers en Vreemdelingen - Kwesties van In- en Uitsluiting’, key note speech Congres van ABv (Antropologische Beroepsvereniging), Arnhem.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (17-10-2005). ‘Witchcraft and Modernity - Dialectics of Faith and Rationality.', Summerschool WISER, Univ. of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (8-8-2005). ‘Autochthony and Citizenship: New Modes in the Politics of Belonging in Africa and Europe’, key note speech Conferentie van Pan African Association of Anthropology, Yaounde.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (14-7-2005). ‘Globalization and Belonging: Dialectics of Flow and Closure’, University of Frankfurt, dept. of anthropology, Frankfurt.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (2-4-2005). ‘Autochthony and Its Confusing Genealogies in Africa’, SSRC Conference on ‘Citizenship and Belonging.’, Gorée (Senegal).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (18-3-2005). ‘Witchcraft and the Limits of the Law: Cameroon and South Africa.', key note speech Conferentie ‘Justice et Sorcellerie’, Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale, Yaounde.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (8-12-2004). "Hekserijprocessen in Kameroen.", "Tweespraakcyclus", Universiteit van Antwerpen, Antwerpen.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (8-12-2004). "The Modernity of Witchcraft - Examples from Africa and Elsewhere", Lecture at Instituut voor Ontwikkelingsvraagstukken, Universiteit van Antwerpen, Antwerpen.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (2-12-2004). "Anthropology and Cannibalism - The Imaginary of the Wild Rubber-boom in SE Cameroon (1900-1913)., Lecture at African Studies Center, University of Oxford, Oxford.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (12-11-2004). "The Future of Citizenship in Africa - Democratization, Decentralization and New Struggles over Belonging.", Lecture for Research programme for Social Sciencesd Research Council, New York.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (28-9-2004). "Community in Development Policies - The Pittfalls of a Notion", Lecture for FASAPO / Caisse de Coöperation, Paris.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) (29-3-2004). "Rubber and Cannibalism - The Germans, The Maka and the Wild Rubberboom in Cameroon (1900-1913)., Lecture at African Studie Center, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) & Pels, P. J. (speaker) (2001). Summerschool Genealogies of Modernity, Conference in Amsterdam.
    • Geschiere, P. L. (speaker) & Coheen, M. (speaker) (2001). Citizenship, Belonging and the Production of Locality, the Annual Conference of African Studies Association, Houston.


    • Geschiere, P. (participant) (20-7-2023 - 29-7-2023). Magic and Witchcraft: History, Interdisciplinarity, Global Perspectives, Budapest. Lecturer (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. (visiting researcher) (1-6-2023 - 30-6-2023). EHESS, Paris (EIT Arts et Intelligences du Silence) (visiting an external institution).
    • Geschiere, P. (organiser) & Andrikopoulos, A. (organiser) (2019). Panel for American Anthropological Association (AAA) conference: Transnational Mobility and the Dynamics of Kinship, Vancouver (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. (organiser), Spronk, R. (organiser) & Hendriks, T. (organiser) (2019). Panel at European Congress in African Studies (ECAS), Edinburgh (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Besnier, N. (organiser) & Geschiere, P. L. (organiser) (19-12-2018). KNAW Symposium "Global Sports, Masculinity and Exploitation: Views from Africa", Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (organiser), Hendriks, T. (organiser) & Spronk, R. (organiser) (20-3-2017 - 22-3-2017). Dissident Desires, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Hekma, G. (organiser) & Geschiere, P. L. (organiser) (4-8-2016 - 5-8-2016). Conferentie ‘Proud in Europe?’, Amsterdam. 3 panels on LGBT+ Refugees, Immigration Officers and the Gay Community (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (organiser) & Hendriks, T. (organiser) (2016). African Studies Association, Washington DC. double panel on ‘Power and transgression – Queering Notions of Asexuality and Dissidence’ (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (organiser) & Pratten, D. (organiser) (19-11-2015 - 22-11-2015). Conference of African studies association, San Diego. Double round-table: Post-cold war, post-nation state? (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (organiser), Hendriks, T. (organiser) & Spronk, R. (organiser) (8-7-2015). European congress of African studies, Parijs. Dissident genders and sexualities: comparative and theoretical perspectives from Africa (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (participant) (7-11-2013). Organizer Panel for Arjun Appadurai, honorate doctorate, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (participant) (28-6-2013). Organizer Panel for ECAS2013: Une anthropologie entre pouvoirs et histoire - Conversations autour de l’œuvre de Jean-Pierre Chauveau’, Lisbon (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (participant) (31-1-2013). Organizer Panel for REASOPO / CERI: ’In Memory of Eric de Rosny’, Paris (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (participant), Malaquais, D. (participant) & Goheen, M. (participant) (29-11-2012 - 1-12-2012). for annual conference African Studies Association, Philadelphia. Commoditizing Identities - Recent Cameroonian Trajctories (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (participant) & Jandoh, M. G. (participant) (1-9-2012 - 2-9-2012). Outreach conference of NWO Cultural Dynamics programme on Culturalization of Citizenship in collaboration with Institue of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon. Migration, Citizenship and Belonging - African Caribbean and European Perspectives (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (participant) & Allen, R. (participant) (2-5-2012 - 3-5-2012). Outreach conference of NWO Cultural Dynamics programme on Culturalization of Citizenship in collaboration with Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, Curaçao. Culture, Citizenship and Belonging (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (participant) & Akan, M. (participant) (8-3-2012 - 9-3-2012). Outreach conference of NWO Cultural Dynamics programme on Culturalization of Citizenship in collaboration with Boghazici University, Istanbul. Citizenship, Democracy and Diversity: Comparison (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (participant) & Akan, M. (participant) (2-3-2012 - 4-3-2012). panel for annual Mediterranean Research Meeting, Montecatini. Contextualizing Multiculturalism (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Verkaaik, O. G. A. (participant) & Geschiere, P. (participant) (1-11-2007 - 2-11-2007). Panel voor Antropologische Beroepsvereniging, Arnhem. Autochtonie en inburgering (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (other) (2007). Organisatie NWO programma Culturele Dynamiek, NWO (other).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (other) (2007). Organisatie conferentie panels voor AEGIS, AEGIS (other).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (other) (2007). visiting professor at Humboldt University, Humboldt University (other).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (other) (2007). organisator conferentie panel voor African Studies Association, African Studies Association (other).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (participant) (19-11-2005). Annual Conference of African Studies Association, Washington. organiser of a double panel ‘Author Meets Critics: Jane Guyer’s Marginal Gains.’ (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (participant) (20-8-2005). International Conference of Asian Studies, Shang-hai. Panel on ‘Racism in the Postcolony - Comparative Perspectives’ (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (participant) (11-11-2004 - 14-11-2004). panel for Social Science Research Council (New York) on "Citizenship and Belonging in Africa", at annual conference of African Studies Association, New Orleans. Citizenship and Belonging in Africa (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (participant) (7-10-2004 - 10-10-2004). ASSR summerschool with WISER (Johannesburg), Amsterdam. "Redefining Citizienship and Access to the Public Sphere: Recent African Developments in Historical and Comparative Perspective" (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Geschiere, P. L. (other) (2003 - 2011). Chair of award jury Prince Claus Award, Prince Claus Foundation (other).



    • Oestermann, T. (2021). Kautschuk und Arbeit in Kamerun – Soziale Mobilität, Zwang und Militanz unter deutscher Kolonialherrschaft. [Thesis, fully external, Humboldt Univeristät zu Berlin].


    • Halfman, J. (2019). "Where Randy?": Education, nationalism, and playful imaginations of belonging on Sint Maarten. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Andrikopoulos, A. (2017). Argonauts of West Africa: Migration, citizenship and kinship dynamics in a changing Europe. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Reid, G. C. (2007). How to be a 'real' gay : emerging gay spaces in small-town South Africa. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Beuving, J. J. (2006). Cotonou's Klondike : a sociological analysis of entrepreneurship in the Euro-West African second-hand car trade. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    • Guadeloupe, F. E. (2006). Chanting down the New Jerusalem : the politics of belonging in Saint Martin & Sint Maarten. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. Rozenberg. [details]
    • Ndjio, B. (2006). Feymania : new wealth, magic money and power in contemporary Cameroon. [details]
    • Spronk, R. (2006). Ambiguous pleasures : sexuality and new self-definitions in Nairobi. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Mouiche, I. (2005). Autorités traditionnelles et démocratisation au Cameroun.


    • Havik, P. (2004). Silences and Soundbytes - The Gendered Dynamics of Trade and Brokerage in the Pre-colonial Guinea Bissau Region.


    • Spierenburg, M. (2003). Strangers, Spirits and Land Reforms: Conflicts about Land in Dande, Northern Zimbabwe. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Janson, M. (2002). "The Best Hand is the Hand that Gives" `Griottes? in Gambia. [details]
    • Socpa:, A. (2002). "Democratisation et autochtonie au Cameroun. Trajectoires regionales divergentes".


    • Schiphorst, F. (2001). Strength and Weakness, The Rise of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) and the Development of Labour Relations, 1980-1995. [details]
    • Willemse, C. L. A. (2001). 'One foot in heaven': narratives on gender and Islam in Darfur, West-Sudan. [details]
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