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Dr. C. (Christian) Bröer

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Political Sociology: Power, Place and Difference

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B6.06
Postal address
  • Postbus 15508
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Profile

    I am associate professor of sociology interested in the interaction between health, everyday life practices and micro and macro politics. In the most general sense, I research the political origins of subjectivity in relation to biomedical processes. Conceptually, I aim to further develop medicalization theory and theories of time as practice. Empirically, I focus on cases like bodily (over)activity, microbes, sadness, (over)weight, mobile phone technology or aircraft noise. I am also interested in the way our research in/excludes citizens and affects (health) practices.  Methodologically I try to advance qualitative methods through systematizing collaborative interpretative and longitudinal approaches. Recently I try to develop methods for analyzing temporal practices. Almost all of this is happing in close collaboration with colleagues. 

    My career is a bit a-typical since I first studied ballet, worked outside academia between my MA (cum laude) and the beginning of my PhD study and worked part-time since my daughter was born in 2000 until 2012. I am still keen on dancing, currently mostly Latin dances. 

    I am leading a group of researchers called the SocioHealth team with whom I participate in the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research and in a number of interdisciplinary research projects: Sarphati Etnografie , MetaHealth, MicroHealth, Personal Microbiome Health, CO-CREATE , Urban Mental Health and TimingHealth. I am member of the Workers Council and Co-founder and shareholder of Panel software. My work is published in journals like Social Science and Medicine, Sociology of Health and Illness, Obesity Reviews or Mobilization.

  • Teaching



    In the past I have taught the following courses :

    • Bachelor Research Project
    • Citizenship and Health
    • Introduction to the social sciences
    • Social Media and the City
    • Crowd Findings: developing software for online collaborative interpretation, honours program
    • Theme's and region's in medical anthropology and sociology
    • Practices of care
    • Qualitative Data Analysis
    • Introduction to sociology and anthropology for medical students
    • Introduction to sociology
    • Recent debates in sociology 
    • Sociological Theory
    • Historical-comparative anthropology / sociology
    • Research workshops

    Supervising PhD

    I am supervising PhD´s, research (master) en bachelor students with their thesis. My PhD-students:

    2028                   Supervisor Anne van Wieringen, Healthism and microbiome enriched food

    2027                   Supervisor Soely Mandrone, Participatory Action and Inclusion

    2027                   Supervisor Yosheng Liu, Ethnography of health practice

    2021                   Co-Supervisor of Minke Hajer, Citizenship and migrant illegality

    2020                   Co-Supervisor of Robert Davidson, The Dutch state and gay advocacy .

    2020                   Supervisor of Colette Santha, Childrens experience of ill-health in Ghana

    2019                   Supervisor Huong Nguyen Minh, Vietnamese Risk Policy.

    2018                   Co-Supervisor Melissa Sebrechts, recognition and activation policies for young adults.

    2016                   Supervisor Bert de Graaf, Politics and risk communication.

    2016                   Co-supervisor Judith Elshout, Sources of Self-respect in Meritocracy.

    2013                   External examiner of A. Yamamoto, discourse of urban planning, Univ. College London

    2012                   Co-supervisor, N. Thijsen, Imagining the Sixties.


    Supervising MA students

    Over the years I have supervise many MA and BA students and in several cases co-authored scientific articles with them. The full list would be too long so I present some examples here: 


    • Xiaonan Guo: sleep and sleeplessness among Chineze students
    • Mathilde van Rijsewijk: de journalistiek en kritiek in de coronapandemie
    • Bloeme Hulsman: Recognition and Claims of Women with Self-reported Breast Implant Illness in the Netherlands
    • Sterre Aandewiel: Navigating DSM Classifications in Practice. On Classifications, Psychiatry and Care
    • Elisabeth Piek: “Pregnancy and birth amidst the covid-19 pandemic; A phenomenological exploration on the perceptions of risk and uncertainty.”
    • Antonio Ramirez Asapchi: Managing trust in online environments: a case study of performing artists’ emotions in a physically distanced society
    • Sasha Neuville: COVID-19 and European students’ wellbeing: The shattering reversal of patterns of interaction
    • Leah van Ees: Caring Cavemen: The New Masculine Norm? Homebound fatherhood during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond
    • Elise de Wit: From Top to Bottom-Up. The impact of Everyday Politics on Dutch Covid-19 Policy
    • Thijmen Zomer: de sociale oorzaken van burn-out
    • Amy Renckens:  ‘Man up’ Emotional literacy and well-being in the context of gendered power structures and privilege.
    • Eva Hart: Active Citizenship in Crisis Times. A case study on welfare provisions in Amsterdam for those without a home during the COVID-19 health crisis
    • Kelly Prins: ‘I always knew I was different’ reconstruction of identity by late-diagnosed autistic women
    • Kate Hinchey: Queering Care 
    • Paige O'Brian: Pain medication narratives
    • Hanne Zweers: Ongelukkig of depressief?
    • Joost Wagenaar: MakeHealth en maker communities 
    • Linde Olde Hampsink: Distress onder studenten
    • Megan van Gremberghe: Nestvlieders van Zeeland
    • Nienke Adelerhoff: Eating like a man 
    • Jonathan Berg: ADHD in Indian schools
    • Brechtje van Hiele: klachten bij de ombudsman
    • Tim ten Ham: governance of information technology and health risks: the case of patient records
    • Nienke Slagboom: Globalization of mental health diagnosis and treatment:  ADHD in Pune / India
    • Jante Schmidt: Autonomy and care needs: long term care patients in the Netherlands
    • Melissa Sebrechts: care and active citizenship: ADHD in a childcare facility Antwerp / Belgium
    • Edith de Vast: ethnographic comparison of large-scale and small scale home's for demented elderly  
    • Nora van der Linden: Leefbaar Rotterdam voters: reflexive or straightfoward
    • Marthe van Andel: Stigmatization of school children with HIV
    • Robbie Vos: creating the authenticity of electric hypersensitivity
    • Femke van Leeuwen: dealing with loss after suicide
    • Lumi Holopainen: psychotherapy on TV in Romania 
    • Marjolein Heerings: adults with ADHD, discourse and identity
    • Chantal Smeekens: stigmatization and anti-stigmatization of HIV  / AIDS within Philippine families
    • Bert de Graaff, Electrohypersensitivity in daily life (graduated cum laude)
    • Eva van der Meer, the effect of media reports on risk perception
    • Iwan van der Meer, identification of victims and perpetrators of domesticviolence
    • Marieke Boele van Hensbroek, aggression against ambulance personel
    • Marieke Kroezen, the effect of health prevention on risk perception
    • Nienke van Sambeek, diagnose relatedgroups(DBC in Dutch) and psy-professionals (graduated cum laude)
  • Publications


    • Baillergeau, E., Veltkamp, G., Bröer, C., Helleve, A., Kulis, E., Lien, N., Luszczynska, A., Mendes, S., Rito, A., Moerman, G., de Sauvage Nolting, R., & Klepp, K.-I. (2024). Democratising participatory health promotion: power and knowledge involved in engaging European adolescents in childhood obesity prevention. Health, Risk & Society, 26(5-6), 201-221. [details]
    • Eltink, E., & Bröer, C. (2024). Healthism online: ‘What I eat in a day’ vlogs before and during COVID-19 restrictions. Heliyon, 10(1), Article e23623. [details]


    • Bröer, C., Ayuandini, S., Baillergeau, E., Moerman, G., Veltkamp, G., Luszczynska, A., Budin-Ljøsne, I., Rito, A. I., Stensdal, M., Lien, N., & Klepp, K.-I. (2023). Recruiting and engaging adolescents in creating overweight and obesity prevention policies: The CO-CREATE project. Obesity Reviews, 24(S1), Article e13546. [details]
    • Bröer, C., Veltkamp, G., Ayuandini, S., Baillergeau, E., Moerman, G., de Sauvage , R., Banik, A., Luszczynska, A., Mendes, S., Klepp, K.-I., Helleve, A., Nesrallah, S., Lien, N., & Kaur Grewal , N. (2023). Negotiating policy ideas: Participatory action research projects across five European countries. Ethics, Medicine and Public Health , 28, Article 100905. [details]
    • Budin-Ljøsne, I., Ayuandini, S., Baillergeau, E., Bröer, C., Helleve, A., Klepp, K.-I., Kysnes, B., Lien, N., Luszczynska, A., Nesrallah, S., Rito, A., Rutter, H., Samdal, O., Savona, N., & Veltkamp, G. (2023). Ethical considerations in engaging young people in European obesity prevention research: The CO-CREATE experience. Obesity Reviews, 24(1), Article e13518. [details]
    • Grewal , N. K., Klepp, K.-I., Banik, A., Bröer, C., Holbæk, H., Luszczynska, A., Macauley, T., Rutter, H., & Lien, N. (2023). Assessing adolescents' readiness for action and attitudes toward obesity prevention: Instrument development and psychometric properties. Obesity Reviews, 24(S1), Article e13533. [details]
    • Klepp, K.-I., Helleve, A., Brinsden, H., Bröer, C., Budin-Ljøsne, I., Harbron, J., Knai, C., Lien, N., Luszczynska, A., Nesrallah, S., Oldridge-Turner, K., Rito, A., Samdal, O., Savona, N., Stensdal, M. K., Allender, S., Hoelscher, D. M., & Rutter, H. (2023). Overweight and obesity prevention for and with adolescents: The “Confronting obesity: Co-creating policy with youth” (CO-CREATE) project. Obesity Reviews, 24(S1), Article e13540. [details]
    • Samdal, O., Budin-Ljøsne, I., Haug, E., Helland, T., Kjostarova-Unkovska, L., Bouillon, C., Bröer, C., Corell, M., Cosma, A., Currie, D., Eriksson, C., Felder-Puig, R., Gaspar, T., Hagquist, C., Harbron, J., Jåstad, A., Kelly, C., Knai, C., Kleszczewska, D., ... Klepp, K.-I. (2023). Encouraging greater empowerment for adolescents in consent procedures in social science research and policy projects. Obesity Reviews, 24(S2), Article e13636. [details]





    • Brown, P., Moerman, G., & Bröer, C. (2019). Interviews as a Means of Exploring Risk Lifeworlds: Excavating the Roots of Everyday Meanings, Experiences and Practices. In A. Olofsson, & J. O. Zinn (Eds.), Researching Risk and Uncertainty: Methodologies, Methods and Research Strategies (pp. 205-230). (Critical Studies in Risk and Uncertainty). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • de Graaff, M. B., & Bröer, C. (2019). Governance and risk in everyday life: depoliticization and citizens' experiences of cell site deployment in the Netherlands and Southern California. Journal of Risk Research, 22(12), 1586–1601. [details]


    • Bröer, C., Spronk, R., & Kraak, V. (2018). Exploring the ADHD Diagnosis in Ghana: between disrespect and lack of institutionalization. In M. R. Bergey, A. M. Filipe, P. Conrad, & I. Singh (Eds.), Global Perspectives on ADHD: Social Dimensions of Diagnosis and Treatment in Sixteen Countries (pp. 354-375). Johns Hopkins University Press. [details]
    • Schrijver, E., Duyvendak, J. W., & Bröer, C. (2018). Woede in meervoud: Boze burgers aan het woord. In R. Gabriëls, S. Koenis, & T. Swierstra (Eds.), Het hart op de tong: Emoties in de politiek (pp. 25-38). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Sebrechts, M., Tonkens, E., & Bröer, C. (2018). Rituals of recognition: Interactions and interaction rules in sheltered workshops in the Netherlands. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 5(4), 455-475. [details]





    • Bröer, C., Moerman, G., Spruijt, P., & van Poll, R. (2014). Risk policies and risk perceptions: a comparative study of environmental health risk policy and perception in six European countries. Journal of Risk Research, 17(4), 525-542. [details]
    • Trundle, C., Singh, I., & Bröer, C. (2014). Fighting to be heard: contested diagnoses. In A. Goldstein Jutel, & K. Dew (Eds.), Social issues in diagnosis: an introduction for students and clinicians (pp. 165-182). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. [details]



    • Beerends, S., & Bröer, C. (2012). ‘Als je pillen gaat slikken, vermijd je iets wat echt is’: romantische en sociologische denkbeelden in het publieke debat over geestelijke gezondheidszorg. Sociologie, 8(3), 318-342. [details]
    • Bröer, C., & Duyvendak, J. W. (2012). Sensing and seizing opportunities: how contentious actors and strategies emerge. In J. Goodwin, & J. M. Jasper (Eds.), Contention in context: political opportunities and the emergence of protest (pp. 240-255). Stanford University Press. [details]
    • de Graaff, M. B., & Bröer, C. (2012). ‘We are the canary in a coal mine’: establishing a disease category and a new health risk. Health, Risk & Society, 14(2), 129-147. [details]



    • Bröer, C., & Duyvendak, J. W. (2009). Discursive opportunities, feeling rules and the rise of protests against aircraft noise. Mobilization, 14(3), 337-356. [details]
    • Hugenholtz, M., Bröer, C., & van Daalen, R. (2009). Apprehensive parents: a qualitative study on parents seeking immediate primary care for their children. British Journal of General Practice, 59(560), 173-180. [details]
    • Kroesen, M., & Bröer, C. (2009). Policy discourse and people's internal frames, and declared aircraft noise annoyance: an application of Q-methodology. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(1), 195-207. [details]
    • Wolfshöfer, C., & Bröer, C. (2009). Opvang en resocialisatie: hoe daklozen leven in de maatschappelijk opvang. Sociologie, 5(4), 463-483. [details]


    • Bröer, C. (2008). Private trouble, policy issue: people's noise annoyance and policy discours. Critical Policy Analysis, 2(2), 93-117. [details]


    • Bröer, C. (2007). Aircraft noise and risk politics. Health, Risk & Society, 9(2), 37-52. [details]
    • Bröer, C. (2007). Noise annoyance and policy: How policy shapes non-acoustical factors. In Turkish Acoustical Society - 36th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2007 ISTANBUL (Vol. 6, pp. 3819-3827)


    • Bröer, C., Wirth, K., Brink, M., & Schierz, C. (2005). Veränderung der Lärmbelästigung im zeitlichen Verlauf. Umweltmedizin in Forschung und Praxis, 10(2). [details]


    • Bröer, C. (1997). Leven met twee landen: de sociale positie van Surinaamse remigranten in historisch sociologisch perspectief. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift, 23(4), 608-639. [details]





    • Bröer, C. (2009). Een kritisch en interpretatief kader voor 'Q'. KWALON, 14, 21-22. [details]


    • Bröer, C. (2006). Beleid vormt overlast: hoe beleidsdiscoursen de beleving van geluid bepalen. Amsterdam: Aksant. [details]


    • Bröer, C., & Wirth, K. (2004). Mehr Belästigung bei gleichem Pegel, Wieso Flugzeuggeräusche heute möglicherweise lästiger sind als vor 40 Jahren. Zeitschrift für Lärmbekämpfung, (4), 118-122. [details]


    • Bröer, C. (2002). Sound, meaning and politics, The social construction of aircraft noise annoyance. Revista da acústica. [details]




    • Driessen, A-E., & Bröer, C. (2012). Actieve en passieve patiënten: sociale media en mannen met borstkanker. Psychosociale oncologie.


    • Bröer, C. (2011). Definitiemacht in een risicosamenleving. In IGZ Cahier IGZ.






    • Bröer, C., & Wirth, K. (2004). Wachsende Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Fluglärm? Immobilia, 71(11), 12-14. [details]


    • Kapteyn, P., Bröer, C., & Beck, W. (2001). 'Sociale cohesie, over natievorming en het gebrek daaraan'. Den Haag: NWO. [details]


    • Kapteyn, P., Bröer, C., & Beck, W. (2000). "'Sociale Cohaesie', de bruikbaarheid van een begrip.". Den Haag: NWO. [details]


    • Karasaki, M., Veltkamp, G., & Bröer, C. (2016). Engaging with infants: Making of subjectivity in everyday infant eating, sleeping, and body movement practices.. Paper presented at British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Group Annual Conference, Birmingham, United Kingdom.


    • Verhoeven, I., & Broer, C. (2012). Contentious governance. Local governments as social movement actors. Paper presented at Mini-conference: Social Movements Players Formerly Known as the State Part Two.


    • Bröer, C. (2011). Policy and Protest. Paper presented at European Sociological Association conference.
    • Bröer, C. (2011). Private trouble, public issue, adults on ADHD. Paper presented at European Sociological Association conference.
    • Bröer, C. (2011). Risk Policy and Risk Perception. Paper presented at ESA-Risk and Uncertainty Network midterm conference.
    • Bröer, C. (2011). Variants of medicalization, Hyperactive adults and neurochemical discourse. Paper presented at The British Sociological Association annual conference: '60 years of sociology'.


    • Tonkens, E. H., Broer, C., van Hassel, D., & van Sambeek, N. (2010). Effects of marketization in health care: new breeds of professionalism. Paper presented at USBO Working Conference.

    Prize / grant

    • Bröer, C. (2011). Henk Sol prize for the innovative approach in ‘Policy discourse and people's internal frames on declared aircraft annoyance: an application of Q-methodology’. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(1), 195-207, with M. Kroesen.
    • Bröer, C. (2011). Young Career Achievement prize for the period 2007-2011, for the article ‘Private Trouble, policy issue, how policy discourses shape our experience of aircraft sound..

    Membership / relevant position

    • Broer, C. (2007-2011). Board member, NSV.

    Media appearance

    • Broer, C. (22-12-2014). BNR [Radio]. BNR.

    Journal editor

    • Bröer, C. (editor) (2011). Sociologie (Journal).
    • Broer, C. (editor) (2008). Sociologie (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Bröer, C. (invited speaker) (1-11-2014). Crowdfindings: a way to collaborative analyse qualitative material, Wikimedia Conference, Utrecht.
    • Bröer, C. (invited speaker) (20-10-2014). From Open Access to Open Collaboration, Symposium Open Access, the new beginning.
    • Bröer, C. (invited speaker) (19-4-2013). Policy cultures, Glamorgen seminar series, University of Cardiff, School of Social Science.
    • Bröer, C. (invited speaker) (25-4-2012). Neurobiology in public and in privateAdults on ADHD, European Science Foundation / European Neuroscience and Society Network conference, Kings College and Goodenough College London.
    • Bröer, C. (invited speaker) (17-2-2012). Noise policies shape protest, ESRC Seminar on the Politics of Sustainable Aviation, University of Essex.
    • Bröer, C. (invited speaker) (14-12-2011). Policy Impact, Advocacy and Health Risks in the Netherlands, 'Connected communities’ program, financed by the British Arts and Humanities Research Council, University of Leicester.


    • Moerman, G. (organiser), Broer, C. (organiser), Veenis, M. (organiser) & Grassiani, E. (organiser) (27-8-2014 - 29-8-2014). #Ethnography: Trends, Traverses and Traditions (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van de Werfhorst, H. G. (other), Kuipers, G. M. M. (other) & Bröer, C. (other) (2013 - 2014). Principal author of self-assessment report UvA Sociology research programme “Dynamics of Institutions: Life Course, Citizenship and Culture” (other).
    • Brown, P. (organiser), Bröer, C. (organiser), Zinn, J. O. (organiser) & de Graaff, B. (organiser) (2013). ESA / ISA Risk and Uncertainty Network Midterm Conference (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Verhoeven, I. (participant) & Broer, C. (participant) (5-7-2012 - 7-7-2012). 7th IPA conference Understanding the Drama of Democracy, Tilburg. Panel ‘Understanding Processes of Policy Contestation’ (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Bröer, C. (2006). Beleid vormt overlast : hoe beleidsdiscoursen de beleving van geluid bepalen. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. Aksant. [details]


    • Vries, D. H. ., Bröer, C., Bouw, C., Vlaar, N., Borst, F., de Sauvage Nolting, R. & Veldkamp, G. (2021). Sociale impact van fysieke afstand op kwetsbare populaties tijdens COVID-19 (2020): herhaalde interviews met gezinnen met jonge kinderen. EASY.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Panel BV
      Mede-oprichter en aandeelhouder Panel BV.