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Dr. M. (Mehdi) Parvizi Amineh

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
WP Groep: Docenten Politicologie
Photographer: S v. Merode

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B8.10
Postal address
  • Postbus 15578
    1001 NB Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile


    Amineh studied Political Science and International Relations at the University of Amsterdam, where he also obtained his Ph.D (in 1998).

    Key Research Interests and Focus

    Amineh's area studies are concentrated in Central and East Asia/China, the European Union, and the Middle East. His current research focuses on four main fields:
    (1) The (geo-)political economy of energy security, mainly with focuses on the European Union and China
    (2) China's External Relations with focus on the political economy of Belt and Road Initiative
    (3) State, society, and international relations in Central-Eurasia and the Middle East
    (4) Islam and modernity, including the origins, development, and domestic/global impacts of politicized Islam.

    Selected Professional Experience Record

    • 2021-Present

    Editor-in-Chief, Routledge Series on The Belt and Road Initiative, London, Routledge. 

    • 2017-Present

    Editorial Board, Populism (a peer-reviewed international journal), Brill Academic Publishers, Inc.

    • 2017-Present

    Editorial Committee, AUSTRAL - Brazilian Journal of Strategic & International Relations, The University Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFSGS) and the Brazilian Center for International Relations and Strategic Studies (NERINT) and the research center of the Latin American Institute for Advanced Studies (ILEA/UFRGS).

    • 2007-Present

    Editor-in-Chief, International Comparative Social Studies (ICSS) (a peer-reviewed-) Book-Series, Brill Academic Publishers, Inc, Netherlands.

    • 2005-Present

    Editorial Board, Perspectives on Global Development and Technology (PGDT), (a peer-reviewed journal)-Brill Academic Publishers, Inc.

    • 2005-Present

    Book-Review Editor, Comparative Sociology (CoSo), (a peer-reviewed international journal), Brill Academic Publishers, Inc.

    • 2004-2006

    Adjunct Lecturer, Amsterdam School for International Relations (ASIR), UvA.

    • 2002-Present

    Senior Research Fellow and Program Director of the Energy Programme Asia, International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden, the Netherlands

    • 2002-2005

    Associate Senior Fellow, Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIPE), The Hague, the Netherlands

    • 2001-Present

    Affiliated Fellow, Amsterdam International School for Social Science Research (AISSR), University of Amsterdam UvA.

    • 2001-Present

    Adjunct Professor of International Relations, Webster University, Leiden, the Netherlands

    • 2000-Present

    Senior Lecturer, Graduate School of Social Science (ISHSS/GSSS), Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam (UvA).

    Selected Publications - Monographs and edited books

    • Amineh, M. P. (Ed.) (2023). The China-led Belt and Road Initiative and Its Reflections: The Crisis of Hegemony and
    Changing Global Orders. (Routledge Series on the Belt and Road Initiative). Routledge. Advance online publication.

    • M.P. Amineh, M.P. (Guest Editor and contributor): Energy and Environment: The European Union and China, Special Issues: African and Asian Studies, Studies, volume 17: 1-204, 2018.

    • M.P. Amineh, M.P. and Yang Guang 2017, (Authors and Eds). Geopolitical Economy of Energy and Environment: China and the European Union”.  Series: International Comparative Social Studies. Volume 36. Boston-Leiden: The Brill Publishing. Pp: ixxvi- 512.

    •  M. P. Amineh & Yang Guang (Guest Editors and contributors, 2014). "The Transnationalization of Chinese National Oil Companies and the European Union Energy Security." Perspectives on Global Development and Technology. The 13th Special Issue, No. 5 & 6, pp. 481-831.

    • M. P. Amineh & Yang Guang, Secure Oil and Alternative Energy, the Geopolitics of Energy Paths of China and the European Union, (Editor and Contributor), International Comparative Social Sciences (ICSS)-Book-Series, Vol. 27 (Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2012).

    • M. P. Amineh. State, Society and International Relations in Asia, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, (Editor and Contributor), (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2010)

    • M. P. Amineh & Yang Guang , The Globalization of Energy, the European Union and China, (Editor and Contributor), International Comparative Social Sciences (ICSS)-Book-Series, Vol. 21 (Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2010).

    • M. P. Amineh, The Greater Middle East in Global Politics: Social Science Perspective on the Changing Geography of the World Politics (Editor and Contributor), (Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2007)

    • M. P. Amineh & Henk Houweling, Central Eurasia in Global Politics: Conflict, Security and Development, (with Henk Houweling) (Editors and Contributors) (Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2005). ‘Second Edition’

    • M. P. Amineh, Globalisation, Geopolitics and Energy Security in Central Eurasia and the Caspian Region, (The Hague: Clingendael International Energy Program, 2003)

    • M. P. Amineh, Towards the Control of Oil Resources in the Caspian Region, (New York: St. Martin’s Press Inc., 1999; reprint edition: 2000).

    • M. P. Amineh. Die Globale Kapitalistische Expansion und Iran: (1500-1980): Eine Studie der Iranischen Politischen Ökonomie, (Hamburg-London: Lit-Verlag, 1999).

  • Books and Monographs
    • Amineh, M.P. (Guest Editor and contributor): “Energy and Environment: The European Union and China”, Special Issues: African and Asian Studies, Studies, volume 17: 1-204, 2018.
    • Amineh, M.P.& Yang Guang (Eds. 2017). Geopolitical Economy of Energy and Environment: China and the European Union. (International Comparative Social Studies; Vol. 36). Boston-Leiden: Brill.
    • Amineh, M.P. Yang Guang (Authors and Eds. 2104). Transnationalization of Chinese National Oil Companies and the European Union Energy Security’. Perspective on Global Development and Technology. The 13th Special Issue, No. 5 & 6, pp. 481-831. 
    • M. P. Amineh & Yang Guang, Secure Oil and Alternative Energy, the Geopolitics of Energy Paths of China and the European Union, (Editor and Contributor), (Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2012).
    • M. P. Amineh. State, Society and International Relations in Asia, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, (Editor and Contributor), (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2010)
    • M. P. Amineh & Yang Guang , The Globalization of Energy, the European Union and China, (Editors and Contributors), (Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2010).
    • M. P. Amineh, The Greater Middle East in Global Politics: Social Science Perspective on the Changing Geography of the World Politics (Editor and Contributor), (Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2007).
    • Mehdi Parvizi Amineh (Guest Editor and contributors, 2007) “The Greater Middle East in Global Politics: Social Sciences Perspectives on the Changing Geography of the World Politics, special issue of the Journal Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, for vol. 6-, no. 1-3.
    • M. P. Amineh & Henk Houweling, Central Eurasia in Global Politics: Conflict, Security and Development, (with Henk Houweling) (Editors and Contributors) (Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2005). ‘Second Edition’
    • M. P. Amineh, Globalisation, Geopolitics and Energy Security in Central Eurasia and the Caspian Region, (The Hague: Clingendael International Energy Program, 2003)
    • M. P. Amineh & H. Houweling (Guest Editors and contributors, 2003). ‘Central Eurasia in Global Politics: conflict Security and Development’,. Perspective on Global Development and Technology. Special Issue, No. 3 & 5, pp. 315-657.
    • M. P. Amineh, Towards the Control of Oil Resources in the Caspian Region, (New York: St. Martin’s Press Inc., 1999; reprint edition: 2000).
    • M. P. Amineh. Die Globale Kapitalistische Expansion und Iran: (1500-1980): Eine Studie der Iranischen Politischen Ökonomie, (Hamburg-London: Lit-Verlag, 1999).
  • Research

    New Joint Research Programme

    Title - Geopolitical economy of the Belt and Road Initiative and its Reflections

    A new joint research programme coordinated by Mehdi Amineh (University of Amsterdam and Program Director of EPA-IIAS), Willem Vogelsang (Deputy Director of IIAS), and Zhang Yuyan (General Director of IWEP-CASS) between the Institute of World Economy and Politics of the Chinese Academy of the Social Sciences ( and the Energy Programme Asia ( of the International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden, The Netherlands.

    The joint research programme analyses the origin, processes, and impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), focusing on the international and transnational activities of and responses to Chinese corporations in selected countries in Asia, Africa, and the European Union. We also examine the emergence, policies, and geopolitical impact of the related multilateral institutions set up by China, the regional and global reception of such multilateral institutions, their relationship to the activities and policies of Chinese corporations, and how these institutions could alter the existing regional and global order.

    The current research programme is the third joint research project of the Institute of World Economy and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IWEP-CASS) and the Energy Programme Asia of the International Institute for Asian Studies (EPA-IIAS).


    The main objective of the research programme is to analyse China’s increasing involvement with governments, local institutions, and local stakeholders in the energy and non-energy sectors in a selection of cases in Asia, Africa, and the European Union within the context of the Belt and Road Initiative, and the response in these countries to Chinese involvement. The countries selected for case studies include Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and the Western Balkan states.

    The second objective is to examine the emergence, policies, and geopolitical impact of the multilateral institutions set up by China, namely the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. We are interested in studying the regional and global impact and reception of such multilateral institutions, their relationship to the activities and policies of Chinese companies, and how these institutions could alter frameworks of global governance and the existing regional and global order.

    We aim to examine the activities and the local and geopolitical economic responses of Chinese companies and multilateral institutions based on a three-level framework:

    The first level examines patterns of interaction and the mechanisms of Chinese corporations and their involvement with national industries, their relationship to foreign investment projects, and the extent to which they are embedded in the local economy of the selected receiving countries.

    The second, and domestic level examines the problems that may arise in the receiving countries as a result of Chinese involvement (i.e., from trade, investment, and finance). The aim is to examine, among others, domestic socio-economic, urban, and environmental challenges. At the national level, these may result from loans and export credit strategies that affect the political constellation in the receiving country, but the problems may also refer to urban development, social stratification, employment, ethnic tensions, the search for the cultural and national roots in the receiving country, the direct relationship between members of the receiving society and foreign (Chinese) workers and specialists, and specific cooperation projects between China and Europe and their related risks and challenges.

    The third, and global level has two interconnected focusses. The first examines the cooperation between Chinese National Oil Companies (NOCs) and International Oil Companies (IOCs), such as Shell and British Petroleum, through the construction of regional and transcontinental infrastructure projects, such as railways, highways, pipelines, and as stakeholders and owners of domestic energy industry. The second focus aims to examine the emergence, policies and geopolitical impact of multilateral institutions set up by China. These include (i) the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and (ii) the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The interest here lies at their regional and global impact and the reception of such multilateral institutions, their relationship to the activities and policies of Chinese companies, and how these institutions could alter the existing regional and global order.

    Following the main objectives of this joint research programme, the central question is: How do Chinese energy and non-energy companies entering into relations with national and local institutions, stakeholders and societies, within the Belt and Road Initiative, affect those institutions, stakeholders and societies, and how do Chinese companies and institutions respond to the demands, challenges and problems raised by the receiving countries and their population? Answering this central question is broken down into three lines of investigation with associated sub-questions.

    1) Descriptive and classificatory. Which patterns of involvement by Chinese companies in local institutions in receiving countries can be distinguished? How have they evolved over time as trade, investment, and finance relations have intensified? To what extent are these companies embedded in and supported by a larger Chinese political and economic framework that differs from the existing Western ones? What are the local responses to Chinese involvement? How is local society affected by Chinese investments?

    2) Descriptive and analytical. What have been the main actors in Chinese trade, investment, and finance, both in China and overseas? What have been the driving forces in their decision-making processes? How responsive have they been to (changes in) local political conditions and international markets? What are the mechanisms of interaction and problem-solving?

    3) Analytical and conclusive. What differences in company behaviour do the governments, media, businesses and communities in resource-rich countries perceive between Chinese and Western (European and/or American) companies? What factors, both internal and external to Chinese companies, are responsible for such differences, insofar as these perceived differences have a factual basis? What has been the influence of international standards of Corporate Social Responsibility?


    Aims of the joint Research Programme

    Program Leaders & Core Research Team

    This interdisciplinary research programme is managed by Mehdi Amineh (University of Amsterdam and Program Director of EPA-IIAS), Willem Vogelsang (Deputy Director of IIAS), and Zhang Yuyan (General Director of IWEP-CASS). Over seventy internationally-renowned scholars from Asia, Europe, and North America are being brought together for this programme, organised around a core research team of twelve Dutch and Chinese scholars and six institutional partners.

    The involved researchers include: Mehdi Amineh (IIAS/UvA), , Zhang Yuyan   (IWEP-CASS), Willem Vogelsang (IIAS), Ren Lin (IWEP-CASS), Xu Tian (IWEP-CASS), Xiujun Xu (IWEP-CASS), Jeroen van Wijk (University of Maastricht),  Song Jin (IWEP-CASS), Weijiang Feng (IWEP-CASS), Allard Wagemaker (Netherlands Defence Academy), Yongzhong Wang (IWEP-CASS), and Laszlo Maracz (University of Amsterdam).

    The programme brings together the fields of political science, political economy, area studies, energy studies, economics, and international relations. As a team, these experts cover all aspects of the study. The core of the Chinese research team consists of scholars from IWEP-CASS, namely Zhang Yuyan, Ren Lin, Xu Xiujun, Wang Yongzhong, Tian Xu, Song Jin, and Feng Weijiang. The core of the Dutch research team consists of Mehdi Amineh, Willem Vogelsang, Laszlo Maracz (University of Amsterdam), Allard Wagemaker (Netherlands Defence Academy), and Jeroen van Wijk (Maastricht University).

    Aims of the Research and Working Plan

    Research and discussion between Dutch and Chinese scholars of the social sciences will produce new insights for analysing processes of increasing interaction between governments, energy and non-energy sectors/companies, and other stakeholders in Asia, Africa, and the European Union. By strengthening links between research institutions in China and the Netherlands, this research will also contribute to scientific capacity-building. Despite increasing global interconnectedness, epistemic networks are still rare and underutilised.

    The research programme consists of three parts: (i) exchange of scholars between the Netherlands and China, (ii) organising international workshops, conferences, and lecture series, and (iii) the publication of the individual research projects in both a book volume and a special edition of the peer-reviewed journals.

    International Workshop and Research-oriented meetings

    The first conference (research-oriented meeting) was held on the 24th of November 2017. It took place at the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, China.

    The second conference (research-oriented meeting) took place within the context of the 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars in Leiden. It was organised on Friday 19 July 2019 by Mehdi Amineh and Willem Vogelsang, and was titled Geopolitical Economy of the Belt and Road Initiative and its Reflections. A team of twelve involved researchers presented papers based on two themes: the impact of the BRI in selected countries and the impact of the BRI and China’s multilateral institutions on global governance.

    In this meeting, the following members of the research team participated: Mehdi Amineh (University of Amsterdam), Willem Vogelsang (International Institute for Asian Studies), Xu Xiujun (IWEP-CASS), Tian Xu (IWEP-CASS), Wang Yongzhong (IWEP-CASS), Feng Weijiang (IWEP-CASS), Song Jin (IWEP-CASS), Jeroen van Wijk (Maastricht University), Laszlo Maracz (University of Amsterdam), Allard Wagemaker (Netherlands Defence Academy), Melanie van Driel (Utrecht University), Sarah Poss (IIAS), and Mohammadbagher Forough (Leiden University).

    The next research-oriented meeting is being organised in the third week of January 2020. This meeting will take place in Beijing, China at the IWEP-Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and will be held within the context of presenting the final drafts of the research papers.



    Past Joint Research Programmes with China

    First Joint Research Programme

    From 2007-2011, EPA-IIAS and the Institute of West Asian and African Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IWAAS-CASS) co-managed their first joint research project Domestic and Geopolitical Challenges to Energy Security of China and the European Union, in collaboration with four research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and four universities in the Netherlands. The objectives of this comparative research project were to analyze (a) the geopolitical and (b) domestic aspects of energy security challenges for the European Union (EU) and China and their impact on energy security policy strategies. The analysis of geopolitical aspects involved research on the effects of competition for access to oil and gas resources among the main global consumer countries and its implications for the security of energy supplies of the EU and China.  The domestic aspects involved analyses of domestic energy demand and supply, policies to increase energy efficiency, and estimating the prospects for the exploitation of renewable energy resources. The results of the first research programme were published in the following publications:

    M. P. Amineh & Yang Guang, The Globalization of Energy, the European Union and China, (Editor and Contributor), International Comparative Social Sciences (ICSS)-Book-Series, Vol. 21 (Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2010).

    M. P. Amineh & Yang Guang, Secure Oil and Alternative Energy, the Geopolitics of Energy Paths of China and the European Union, (Editor and Contributor), International Comparative Social Sciences (ICSS)-Book-Series, Vol. 27 (Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2012).

    Second Joint Research Programme

    From 2013-2017, the second joint research programme was co-managed between the Institute of and African Studies IWAAS-CASS - Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Energy Programme Asia - IIAS, and the Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences (KNAW). This joint comparative research project of the Energy Programme Asia (EPA) analysed China’s increasing involvement with governments, local institutions and local stakeholders in the energy sectors of a number of resource-rich countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America (notably Sudan, Ghana, Saudi-Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, and Brazil). The project seeked to determine patterns of interaction between national institutions and Chinese companies, their relationships to foreign investment projects, and the extent to which they are embedded in the local economies. China’s huge demand and novel, professedly non-political, approach to investment (including tied aid, loans, and trading credits) sets it apart from European international practices. The effects of investments in these resource-rich economies and societies, many of which are managed by China’s state-owned oil companies, require further analysis of transactions, flows of capital, employment and income-generation, etc. Our hypothesis assumed a growing symbiosis between these enterprises and local institutions on the one hand, and Chinese company and government behaviour on the other, that differs significantly from country to country because of differences in institutional context, and place- and time-specific economic opportunities. Our analysis of these investments and running operations may provide important general insights into the local effects of bilateral and global energy cooperation, and the learning curves of international and local oil companies. The results of the second research programme were published in the following publications:

    Amineh, M.P. Yang Guang (Authors and editors. 2014). Transnationalization of Chinese National Oil Companies and the European Union Energy Security’. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology. The 13th Special Issue, No. 5 & 6, pp. 481-831.

    Amineh, M.P. & Yang Guang (Editor and contributors. 2017). Geopolitical Economy of Energy and Environment: China and the European Union. International Comparative Social Studies; Vol. 36. Boston-Leiden: Brill.

    Amineh, M.P., (Guest Editor and contributors. 2018) “Energy and Environment in China and the European Union”, Special Issue: African and Asian Studies, volume 17: 1-204.

    Overview of research activities and projects since 1998

    Amineh's research is generally focused on comparative geo-political economics and comparative political studies of Central and East Asia (with focus on China), the Middle East, and the European Union (with a specific focus on energy research in the EU case).

    Since 1998, Amineh’s research has developed in four phases:

    1. Between 1998 and 2005

    In the context of several research projects, the main focus was the study of the post-Cold War geo-political economy, international relations, and the states and societies of the former Soviet republics of Central Eurasia, in particular the study of the geopolitical economy of conflict and cooperation between major state-powers, as well as competition among international oil companies for the access and control of oil and gas resources in the Central Eurasian region.

    The results of the research were published in four peer-reviewed books (of which two are monographs), and 13 peer-review articles. The following research institutes were involved in these activities: the Clingendael International Energy Program (CIEP), the Clingendael Institute of International Relations, the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) of Leiden University, the Middle East Technical University of Ankara, Turkey, the Central Asian Studies Department of the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London, UK, the Institute of Eurasian and Russian Studies of Carleton University, Canada, the Institute of Slavic, East Europe, and Eurasian Studies of Berkeley, University of California, USA, the University of Birmingham, UK, the World Bank Office in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, the Institute of Asia Pacific Studies of Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, the Department of Political Science of the University of Amsterdam, and the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague.

    2. Between 2005 and 2007

    In 2005, Amineh started a new research program called the Greater Middle East in Global Politics: Social Science Perspective on the Changing Geography of World Politics. The main aim of this research was to study factors (both external as well as domestic and regional) that might explain: (1) the persistence of authoritarian regimes, and (2) the failure and/or fragmentation of nation-state-building, development, and democratic transitions, which cause the rise and activities of powerful Islamic radical movements with their transnational networks and participants. These developments caused permanent chronic developmental crises and wars between and within both states and the inter- connected societies of the Greater Middle East, including Central Eurasia.

    For this project, the following centers and universities were involved: the Department of Politics and International Relations of the Open University, UK, The Institute of Eurasian and Russian Studies of Carleton University, Canada, the Institute of Political Science and IR of the University of Algiers, Algeria, The Jerusalem Van Leer Institute, Israel, the Clingendael International Energy Program of the Clingendael Institute of International Relations, the Department of Political Science of the University of Amsterdam, the South Asia Studies Centre of the University of Rajasthan in Jaipur, India, the Center for International and Regional Studies of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, Qatar, The Marshall Centre in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, the Mills College of Oakland, USA, the International Studies Program of the University of Regina, Canada, the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London, UK, the Department of Economics of the University of Adelaide, Australia, the Institute of History of Academic and Social Sciences in Uzbekistan, and the School of Management Euromed in Marseilles, France. The results of the research were published in a peer-reviewed books (of which two are monographs), and 16 peer-review articles.

    3. From 2007 until September 2011

    In 2006, Amineh set up a research program entitled Energy Programme Asia (EPA) at the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) of Leiden University. The objectives of EPA-IIAS  

    were twofold; it aimed to study (1) the geopolitical economy of energy supply security and (2) energy efficiency, alternative energy resources, and sustainable development for China and the European Union.

    In the context of EPA, between 2007 and 2011, Amineh designed and managed a research program titled the "Domestic and Geopolitical Challenges to Energy Security for China and the EU." This joint research program was a collaboration between the Energy Program Asia and the  Institute of Asian and African Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) with 13 scholars and eight European, Canadian, Dutch, and Chinese research centers and universities. The research program was provided grants by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Social Sciences (KNAW), CASS, and IIAS. The results of this program were published in two edited peer-reviewed volumes and 26 research papers (2010, 2012).

    4. The fourth phase: 2013 to 2017

    Amineh’s current project is a joint research program titled the “Transnationalization of China’s Oil Industry: Company strategies, embedded projects, and relations with institutions and stakeholders in resource-rich countries." This joint comparative research project analyses China’s increasing involvement with governments, local institutions, and local stakeholders in the energy sectors of a number of resource-rich countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America (notably Sudan, Ghana, Saudi-Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, and Brazil).

    The project seeks to determine patterns of interaction between China’s national institutions and companies, their relationship with foreign investment projects, and the extent to which they are embedded in the local economies of their host countries. China’s huge demand for resources and its novel, professedly non-political approach to investment (including tied aid, loans, and trading credits) sets it apart from European international practices. The effects of trade and investments in resource-rich economies and societies, many of which are managed by China’s state-owned oil companies, require further analysis of transactions, flows of capital, employment, income-generation and other important variables. The main hypothesis is that there exists a growing symbiosis between enterprises, local institutions, and China’s company and government behavior, differing significantly from country to country. The main reason for this is the differing institutional context, and place and time-specific economic opportunities for investment and involvement. Analysis of these investments and running operations can provide important insights into the local effects of bilateral and global energy cooperation, and the learning curves of international and local oil companies.

    The joint research program is a result of cooperation between the Institute of West Asian and African Studies IWAAS-CASS of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Energy Program Asia of IIAS. The joint research program is granted by the Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences (KNAW), the Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS), and IIAS of Leiden University. The core team entails 12 principal researchers, who will present individual studies on various aspects surrounding different countries as case studies. The interdisciplinary research project is managed by Amineh (the Energy Program Asia-IIAS/UvA) and Prof. Yang Guang (Institute of West Asian and African Studies - CASS) in cooperation with the following Chinese/CASS and Dutch research centers and universities: the Institute of Industrial Economy-CASS (IIE), the Institute of Latin American Studies-CASS (ILAS), the Institute of Russian, East European & Central Asian Studies-CASS (IREECAS), the Center for Latin American Studies/CEDLA, the Department of Politics and Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology of the University of Amsterdam, the Institute for Environmental Studies of Free University Amsterdam (VU), and the International Institute for Asian Studies of Leiden University.

    The results of the first part of the research were published in 2014 as the following:

    Amineh, M.P. Yang Guang (Authors and Eds. 2104). Transnationalization of Chinese National

    Oil Companies and the European Union Energy Security’. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology. The 13th Special Issue, No. 5 & 6, pp. 481-831.

    The results of the second part of the research were published respectively in 2017 and 2018 in the following publications:

    Amineh, M.P. & Yang Guang (Editor and contributors, 2017). Geopolitical Economy of Energy and Environment: China and the European Union. (International Comparative Social Studies; Vol. 36). Boston-Leiden: Brill.

    Amineh, M.P., (Guest Editor and contributors) “Energy and Environment in China and the European Union”, Special Issues: African and Asian, Studies, volume 17: 1-204, 2018.

  • Teaching

    Teaching interests

    Amineh has been involved in teaching activities since 2000. His current teaching areas include:

    1. Energy and Geopolitical Economy in Eurasia.

    2. Political Economy of Energy (Master Research Project)

    3. Security and Geopolitics in the Middle East and Central Eurasia

    4. Globalization and Islam - Hoorcollege

    5. Mater-Research-Project - International Political Economy

    6. Introduction to International Relations

    PhD Supervisor

    • M.M.A. Alshahman, Religion and state: The relationships between the Shia ulama and the state in Iraq 1921–2015Award date 6 October 2021. Supervisors M.P. Amineh and Prof dr. J.N. Tillie
    • E.P. Rakel, The Iranian political elite, state and society relations, and foreign relations since the Islamic revolution, Award date: 16 May 2008. Supervisors M.P. Amineh and Prof dr. Gerd Junne
  • Publications



    • Amineh, M. P. (2023). China’s capitalist industrial development and the emergence of the Belt and Road Initiative. In M. P. Amineh (Ed.), The China-led Belt and Road Initiative and Its Reflections: The Crisis of Hegemony and Changing Global Orders (pp. 11-35). (Routledge Series on the Belt and Road Initiative). Routledge. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2023). China’s rise and the question of hegemony and world order. In M. P. Amineh (Ed.), The China-led Belt and Road Initiative and Its Reflections: The Crisis of Hegemony and Changing Global Orders (pp. 36-69). (Routledge Series on the Belt and Road Initiative). Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2023). Introduction: The China-led Belt and Road Initiative and its reflections. In M. P. Amineh (Ed.), The China-led Belt and Road Initiative and Its Reflections: The Crisis of Hegemony and Changing Global Orders (pp. 1-10). (Routledge Series on the Belt and Road Initiative). Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (Ed.) (2023). The China-led Belt and Road Initiative and Its Reflections: The Crisis of Hegemony and Changing Global Orders. (Routledge Series on the Belt and Road Initiative). Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., Linck, L., & Demirkiran, E. (2023). BRI in the Middle East and Central Asia: The case of Kazakhstan, Iran, and Turkey. In M. P. Amineh (Ed.), The China-led Belt and Road Initiative and Its Reflections: The Crisis of Hegemony and Changing Global Orders (pp. 177-208). (Routledge Series on the Belt and Road Initiative). Routledge. [details]




    • Amineh, M. P., & Crijns-Graus, W. H. J. (2017). Geopolitical Economy of Energy Security in the European Union, the Persian Gulf, the Caspian Region and China. In M. P. Amineh, & Y. Guang (Eds.), Geopolitical Economy of Energy and Environment: China and the European Union (pp. 339-440). (International Comparative Social Studies; Vol. 36). Brill. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Eisenstadt, S. N. (2017). The Iranian Revolution: the multiple contexts of the Iranian Revolution. In N. Meer (Ed.), Islam and Modernity. - Volume II : Islam and Postcolonialism (pp. 104-131). (Critical Concepts in Sociology). Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Guang, Y. (2017). Energy and Geopolitical Economy in China: theory and concepts. In M. P. Amineh, & Y. Guang (Eds.), Geopolitical Economy of Energy and Environment: China and the European Union (pp. 11-41). (International Comparative Social Studies; Vol. 36). Brill. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Guang, Y. (2017). Geopolitical Economy of Energy and Environment: China and the European Union: Introduction to the Volume. In M. P. Amineh, & Y. Guang (Eds.), Geopolitical Economy of Energy and Environment: China and the European Union (pp. 1-8). (International Comparative Social Studies; Vol. 36). Brill. [details]


    • Amineh, M. P., & Eisenstadt, S. N. (2015). Theorizing of the Iranian revolution of 1978-1979: the multiple contexts of the Iranian revolution. In G. Preyer, & M. Sussman (Eds.), Varieties of multiple modernities: new research design (pp. 149-176). (International comparative social studies; No. 33). Brill. [details]



    • Amineh, M. P., & Guang, Y. (2012). Introduction: China's and the European Union's energy security challenges in the twenty-first century. In M. P. Amineh, & Y. Guang (Eds.), Secure oil and alternative energy: the geopolitics of energy paths of China and the European Union (pp. 1-38). (International comparative social studies; No. 27). Brill. [details]


    • Amineh, M. P. (2010). State, society and international relations in Asia. (ICAS Publications Series. Edited Volumes; No. 11). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2010). Authoritarian persistence and barriers to democracy in the muslim Middle East: beyond cultural essentialism. In E. Ben-Rafael, & Y. Sternberg (Eds.), World religions and multilateralism: a dialectic relation (pp. 159-191). (International Comparative Social Studies; No. 23). Brill. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Guang, Y. (2010). The globalization of energy: China and the European Union. (International comparative social studies; No. 21). Leiden: Brill. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Guang, Y. (2010). Tapping global energy stocks: energy security challenges for the European Union and China. In M. P. Amineh, & Y. Guang (Eds.), The globalization of energy: China and the European Union (pp. 3-29). (International comparative social studies; No. 21). Brill. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. (2010). China and the transformation of the post-Cold War geopolitical order. In M. P. Amineh (Ed.), State, society and international relations in Asia: reality and challenges (pp. 215-271). (ICAS Publications Series. Edited Volumes; No. 11). Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Amineh, M. P. (2007). Challenges of Modernity: The Case of Political Islam. In M. P. Amineh (Ed.), The Greater Middle East in Global Politics: Social Sciences perspectives on the Changing Geography of the World Politics (pp. 203-216). (International studies in sociology and social anthropology; Vol. 106). Brill.
    • Amineh, M. P. (2007). Introduction: Theoretical and Methodological approaches to the study of the Greater Middle East. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 6(1-3), 13-53. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2007). The Greater Middle East in Global Politics: Social Science Perspective on the Changing Geography of the World Politics. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 6(1-3).
    • Amineh, M. P., & Eisenstadt, S. N. (2007). The Iranian Revolution- The Multiple Contexts of the Iranian Revolution. In M. P. Amineh (Ed.), The Greater Middle East in Global Politics: Social Science perspectives on the Changing Geography of the World Politics (pp. 115-146). (International studies in sociology and social anthropology; Vol. 106). Brill.
    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. W. (2007). Global Energy Security and its Geopolitical Impediments: The case of the Caspian Region. In M. P. Amineh (Ed.), The Greater Middle East: Social Sciences Perspectives on the Changing Geography of the World (pp. 351-376). (International studies in sociology and social anthropology; Vol. 106). Brill.
    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. W. (2007). IR-Theory and Transformation in the Greater Middle East: The Role of the United States. In M. P. Amineh (Ed.), The Greater Middle East in Global Politics: Social Sciences Perspectives on the Changing Geography of the World Politics (pp. 41-74). (International studies in sociology and social anthropology; Vol. 106). Brill.


    • Amineh, M. P. (2006). Die Politik der der USA, der EU und Chinas in Zentralasien. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 4. [details]


    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. (2005). Caspian energy: oil and gas resources and the global market. In M. P. Amineh, & H. Houweling (Eds.), Central Eurasia in global politics: conflict, security, and development. - 2nd ed. (pp. 77-92). (International studies in sociology and social anthropology; Vol. 92). Leiden/Boston: Brill. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. (2005). The US and the EU in CEA: Relations with Regional Powers. In M. P. Amineh, & H. Houweling (Eds.), Central Eurasia in global politics: conflict, security and development. - 2nd ed. (pp. 207-233). (International studies in sociology and social anthropology; Vol. 92). Leiden/Boston: Brill. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. (2005). The crisis in IR-theory: towards a critical geopolitics approach. In M. P. Amineh, & H. Houweling (Eds.), Central Eurasia in global politics: conflict, security and development. - 2nd ed. (pp. 1-21). (International studies in sociology and social anthropology; Vol. 92). Leiden/Boston: Brill. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Radtke, K. W. (2005). Central and East Asia in Search of Geopolitical Security. Ajia taiheiyō tōkyū = Journal of Asia-Pacific studies, 8, 87-95.
    • Amineh, M., & Houweling, H. (2005). De Verenigde Staten en de Europese Unie in Centraal Eurazië: relaties met regionale mogendheden. Internationale Spectator, 59(1), 24-29. [details]
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2005). United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations. In C. Skutsch (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities New York&London: Routledge.


    • Amineh, M. P. (2004). Globalisation and Political Islam: the Challenges of Modernity. In E. Reiter (Ed.), Jahrbuch für internationale Sicherheitspolitik 2004 (pp. 211-229). Hamburg: Mittler. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. (2004). All on the way to 'Capitalism American style'? Comparative Sociology, 3(3-4), 377-396. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. (2004). Caspian energy : oil and gas resources and the global market. In M. P. Amineh, & H. Houweling (Eds.), Central Eurasia in global politics: conflict, security, and development (pp. 77-92). (International studies in sociology and social anthropology; Vol. 92). Leiden, Boston: Brill. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. (2004). The geopolitics of power projection in US foreign policy: from colonization to globalization. In M. P. Amineh, & H. Houweling (Eds.), Central Eurasia in global politics: conflict, security, and development (pp. 25-76). (International studies in sociology and social anthropology; Vol. 92). Leiden/Boston: Brill. [details]
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2004). ' Demokratisierung und ihre Feinde in Iran'. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, B 9/2004, 25.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2004). Azerbaijan. In C. Skutsch (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities (EWM) Routledge.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2004). Frantz Fanon. In Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities (EWM) Routledge.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2004). Tajikistan. In C. Skutsch (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities (EWM) New York&London: Routledge.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2004). Towards Rethinking Geopolitics. Central Eurasian Studies Review, 3(1), 7-8. [details]
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2004). Turkmenistan. In C. Skutsch (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities (EWM) New York&Londen.


    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. (2003). Caspian energy: Oil and gas resources and the global market. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 2(3-4), 391-406. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. (2003). Central Eurasia in Global Politics: Conflict, Security and Development. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 2(3-4), 315-657. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. (2003). The US and the EU in CEA: Relations With Regional Powers. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 2(3-4), 521-547. [details]
    • Houweling, H., & Amineh, M. P. (2003). Introduction: The Crisis in IR-Theory: Towards a Critical Geo-politics Approach. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 2(3-4), 315-335. [details]
    • Parvizi Amineh, M., & Grin, J. (2003). Globalisation, the State System and Regionalism: Analysing post-Cold War Security, Development and Democracy in the Mediterranean Region. In G. Brauch, A. Marquina, & M. Selim (Eds.), Security and the Environment in the Mediterranean in the20th Century : - Conceptualising Security and Environmental Conflicts (pp. 267). SpringerVerlag.


    • Amineh, M. P. (2002). Sicherheid und Entwicklung in Eurasien - neue Gedanken zur Geopolitik im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. In E. Reiter (Ed.), Jahrbuch für internationale Sicherheitspolitik 2002 (Vol. 1, pp. 267-301). Hamburg, Berlin, Bonn: Mittler. [details]
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2002). 'Armenia'. In S. Pendergast, & T. Pendergast (Eds.), Worldmark Encyclopaedia of National Economies (WENE) Farmington Hills: Gale Group/Thomson Learning.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2002). 'Ukraine'. In S. Pendergast, & T. Pendergast (Eds.), Worldmark Encyclopaedia of National Economies (WENE) Farmington Hills : Gale Group/Thomson Learning.


    • Amineh, M. P. (1999). Towards the control of oil resources in the Caspian region. New York: St. Martin's Press Inc. [details]
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (1999). Die globale kapitalistische Expansion und Iran: Eine Studie der iranischen politischen Ökonomie (1500-1980). LIT Verlag.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (1999). Towards the Control of Oil Resources in the Caspian Region. This book is published both by Lit-Verlag in Germany and St. Matin Press in the US. LIT-Verlag.



    • Amineh, M. P., & Guang, Y. (2012). Secure oil and alternative energy: the geopolitics of energy paths of China and the European Union. (International comparative social studies; No. 27). Leiden: Brill. [details]


    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2008). Eurasia Central en el marco energético y geopolítico global. In A. Gonzalez, & C. Claudin (Eds.), Asia Central y la seguridad energética global: Nuevos actores y dinámicas en Asia Central (pp. 57-89). (Interrogar la actualidad, Serie Asia). Barcelona: Fundació CIDOB.


    • Amineh, M. P. (2007). The greater Middle East in global politics: social science perspectives on the changing geography of the world politics. (International studies in sociology and social anthropology; Vol. 106). Brill. [details]


    • Amineh, M. P. (2006). China: Macht und die Sicherheit der Energieversorgung. W & F. Wissenschaft und Frieden, 2006(3), 21-24. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2006). The Resource Cures: Oil-Based Development in Central Asia. IIAS Newsletter, 42. [details]
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2006). Globalisation and Islam: the rise and decline of Islam as political ideology: 1850-2000s. Unknown Publisher. [details]
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2006). Iran in global politics: oil, state, and society. The Hague: Clingendael International Energy Program. [details]


    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. (2005). Central Eurasia in global politics: conflict, security, and development. - 2nd ed. (International studies in sociology and social anthropology; Vol. 92). Leiden/Boston: Brill. [details]


    • Amineh, M. P., & Houweling, H. (2004). Central Eurasia in global politics: conflict, security, and development. (International studies in sociology and social anthropology; Vol. 92). Leiden/Boston: Brill. [details]
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2004). Demokratisierung und ihre Feinde in Iran. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 9, 25-29. [details]
    • Parvizi Amineh, M., van de Linde, C., Correlje, A., de Jong, D., & Radtke, K. (2004). Study on energy supply, security and geopolitics, EU-Tender delivered to the European Union. The Hague: Institute for International Relations 'Clingendael'. [details]


    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2003). Globalisation, geopolitics and energy security in Central Eurasia and the Caspian region. The Hague: Clingendael International Energy Program. [details]
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2003). Impact of the Caspian energy supply on the global market. Atlantisch Perspektief, 27(7/8), 27-33. [details]
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2003). Rethinking Geopolitics: Energy Security in the Eurasian Heartland in the 21st Century. World Affairs, School of Foreign Service, National University of Mongolia, 7(216), 5-85.


    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2002). Eurasia in transition. Development ISSues, 4(2). [details]


    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `ASEAN Free Trade Area'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `Authoritarian State'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `Bonapartism'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `Determinism, methodological'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `Export of Capital'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `First World'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `Group 77'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `International Atomic Energy Agency' (IAEA). In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `International Fund for Agricultural Development'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `Interstate System'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `Islamic Development Bank'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `Nationalisation'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `Social Organisation of Production'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `Transition Theorists'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `United Nations Centre for Transnational Corporations'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `World Economy'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2001). `World Order'. In R. J. B. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of International Political Economy (REIPE) London, New York: Routledge. [details]


    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2000). Der Islam und die Iranische Revolution (1978/79). Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 19(99), 14-26.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2000). Konflikt und Kooperation um die Kontrolle der Erdölressourcen in der Post-Sowjetischen Region Eurasien: Türkei, Iran and Russland. In E. Reiter (Ed.), Jahrbuch für internationale Sicherheitspolitik (pp. 575-620). Hamburg, Berlin, Bonn: Mittler. [details]


    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (1999). Review of Revolution in Iran. London: Macmillan: New York: St Martin's Press, 1996. ix + 228 pp. Development and Change, 30(2), 405-406.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (1999). Review of Transnational Classes and International Relations. London and New York: Rutledge, 1998. xvi + 192 pp. Development and Change, 30(4).


    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (1997). Review of NikkiR. Eddie, Iran and the Muslim World: Resistance and Revolution. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan, 1995. x +m 303 pp. Development and Change, 28(3), 609.


    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (1996). [Review of: J. Foran (1993), Fragile Resistance: Social Transformation in Iran from 1500 to the Revolution]. Development and Change, 27(3), 618-620.




    • Amineh, M. P. (2004). 7 contributions to Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities (EWM). In C. Skutsch (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities (EWM) New York and London: Routledge. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P., v.d. Linde, C., Correlje, A., & de Jong, D. (2004). Study on energy supply, security and geopolitics, EU-Tender delivered to the European Union. Brussel: European Union. [details]


    • Amineh, M. P. (2003). Rethinking Geopolics in Central Eurasia. IIAS Newsletter, 2003(november). [details]


    • Amineh, M. P. (2002). `Eurasia in Transition? Development ISSues. [details]
    • Amineh, M. P. (2002). `Post-Soviet Geopolitics in Central Eurasia? IIAS Newsletter. [details]

    Prize / grant

    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2013). Grant for joint research programme: The Transnationalization of China’s Oil Industry: Company strategy, embedded projects and rations with institutions and stakeholders in resource-rich countries.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2011). Grant for joint Research Programme - Domestic and Geopolitical Challenges to Energy Security for China and the European Union.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2007). Grant for visiting the Institute of West Asia and African Studies, Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2006). Grant for visiting fellowship for a period of 3 weeks starting 5 June 2006 for Prof. Yang Guang from the Institute for Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy pf Social Sciences (CASS).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2006). Grant for visiting fellowship for a period of 3 months starting 1 November 2006 for Associate professor X. GUO from the Institute of International Politics at the Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2004). Grant NWO-visiting fellowship for a period of 6 months starting 1 January 2004 for Dr. Irina Morozova from Russia in the context of my delivered research proposal Conflict, Security and Development in the Post Soviet Era: Towards Regional Economic Co-operation in the Eurasian Region.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2003). Granted research programme: Study on energy supply, security and geopolitics.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2003). NWO-visiting fellowship for a period of 6 months starting 1 March 2003 for Dr. Irina Morozova from Russia in the context of my delivered research proposal Conflict, Security and Development in the Post Soviet Era: Towards Regional Economic Co-operation in the Eurasian Region.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Amineh, M. P. (2008-2015). Series editor: International Comparative Social Studies, Brill Academic Publishers.
    • Amineh, M. P. (2008-2012). Series editor: International Comparative Social Studies, Brill Academic Publishers.
    • Amineh, M. P. (2007-2013). Editor-in-Chief, International Comparative Social Sciences (ICSS)-Book-Series, Brill Academic Publishers.
    • Amineh, M. P. (2007-2015). Editor-in-Chief, International Comparative Social Sciences (ICSS)-Book-Series, Brill Academic Publishers.
    • Amineh, M. P. (2005-2011). Editorial Board, Perspectives on Global Development and Technology (PGDT), Brill Academic Publishers.
    • Amineh, M. P. (2005-2015). Editorial Board, Perspectives on Global Development and Technology (PGDT), Brill Academic Publishers.

    Media appearance

    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (13-05-2013). We zaten er allemaal hartstikke naast Trends [Print] Financiële Dagblad. We zaten er allemaal hartstikke naast Trends.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (14-10-2009). Toenadering Armenië-Turkije kent nog vele angels [Print] Financiële Dagblad. Toenadering Armenië-Turkije kent nog vele angels.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (16-08-2008). VS zoeken nieuwe verhoudingen tot Rusland [Print] Financiële Dagblad. VS zoeken nieuwe verhoudingen tot Rusland.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (17-06-2008). De productie stagneert [Olie] [Print] NRC. De productie stagneert [Olie].
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (01-12-2007). Vechten om de energiebronnen in de islamitische Bermudadriehoek [Print] Financiële Dagblad. Vechten om de energiebronnen in de islamitische Bermudadriehoek.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (27-08-2007). Eldorado vol olie, en Chinezen [Print] Trouw. Eldorado vol olie, en Chinezen.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (13-08-2007). Rusland en China Perken invloed VS in Azië [Print] Het Financiële Dagblad. Rusland en China Perken invloed VS in Azië.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (13-08-2007). Rusland en China Perken invloed VS in Azië in [Print] Financiële Dagblad. Rusland en China Perken invloed VS in Azië in.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (10-08-2007). Musharraf Krijgt nog Steun van Kleine Elite [Print] Financiële Dagblad. Musharraf Krijgt nog Steun van Kleine Elite.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (22-06-2007). Iran is slapende reus voor ondernemer [Print] De Volkskrant. Iran is slapende reus voor ondernemer.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (04-11-2006). Republikeinen in de knel door Irak-oorlog [Print] Financiële Dagblad. Republikeinen in de knel door Irak-oorlog.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (04-07-2006). Libanese invasie is 'moment van helderheid’ [Print] Financiële Dagblad. Libanese invasie is 'moment van helderheid’.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (04-01-2006). Gasconflict toont naïviteit West-Europees beleid [Print] Financiële Dagblad. Gasconflict toont naïviteit West-Europees beleid.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (06-10-2005). Economie hangt van Iran en Rusland [Print] Financiële Dagblad. Economie hangt van Iran en Rusland.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (06-10-2005). Tomeloze energiehonger bedreigt wereldorde [Print] Financiële Dagblad. Tomeloze energiehonger bedreigt wereldorde.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (06-10-2005). Wie heeft de macht: politicus of zakenman? [Print] Financiële Dagblad. Wie heeft de macht: politicus of zakenman?.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (26-05-2005). Olie en macht stromen naar VS en Turkije [Print] Utrechts Nieuwsblad. Olie en macht stromen naar VS en Turkije.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (11-11-2004). Bush heeft voor Irak-crisis nog maar een uitweg [Print] Financiële Dagblad. Bush heeft voor Irak-crisis nog maar een uitweg.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (27-11-2002). Omstreden bezoek president Kazakstan [Print] De Volkskrant. Omstreden bezoek president Kazakstan.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (29-10-2002). Honger naar Olie Voedt Terrorisme: Amerikaanse bemoeienis maakt Kaukasus tot Kruitvat [Print] Financiële Dagblad. Honger naar Olie Voedt Terrorisme: Amerikaanse bemoeienis maakt Kaukasus tot Kruitvat.

    Journal editor

    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (member of editorial board) (2012-2018). Austral (Journal).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (editor in chief) (2007-2019). International Comparative Social Sciences (ICSS)-Book-Series, Brill Academic Publishers (Publisher).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (reviewer) (2005-). Comparative Sociology (Journal).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (member of editorial board) (2005-). Perspectives on Global Development and Technology (PGDT)-Brill Academic Publishers (Publisher).
    • Amineh, M. P. (editor) & Houweling, H. W. (editor) (2003). Perspectives on Global Development and Technology (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Marácz, L. (speaker), P. Amineh, M. (speaker), De Sales Marques, J. (speaker) & Ehteshami, A. (speaker) (11-12-2023). Comparing Energy Transition in the European Union and China: Challenges and Opportunities, NIAS-Lorentz Center, the Netherlands.
    • P. Amineh, M. (speaker) (25-11-2023). The US-China Relations: The Crisis oof Hegemony and Changing Global Orders, China-US Relations: Geopolitics and Geoeconomy, Sãn Paulo.
    • P. Amineh, M. (speaker) (25-10-2023). US-China Relations: Geoeconomy and Geopolitics, VI Encontro da RBChina, Sãn Paulo.
    • Marácz, L. (speaker), Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker), De Sales Marques, J. (speaker) & Ehteshami, A. (speaker) (20-6-2023). 1st Online Workshop for Comparing Energy Transition in the European Union and China, Institute for European Studies Macao (IEEM).
    • Marácz, L. (speaker), Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker), Lin, R. (speaker) & Tian, X. (speaker) (19-7-2019). Evaluating the Hungarian Partnership in the Chinese BRI Project, International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS) 11, Leiden.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (16-7-2019). The Impact of China-led Multilateral Institutions and Belt and Road Initiative on Global Governance, International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS) 11, Leiden.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (15-5-2019). EU and China's Geopolitical Rise, Study Association for European Studies.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (7-3-2019). China’s Rise and the Middle East, Studentenvereniging Machiavelli (UvA).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (11-6-2018). The Role of Youth in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization That Lead to Terrorism, the International Conference on “The Role of Youth in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization That Lead to Terrorism, Tashkent.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (12-7-2016). Netherlands/EU-Asian Relations, Center for Profetional Learling, Leiden Universiteit, Directie Azie en Oceanie .
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (12-7-2016). Netherlands/EU-Asian Relations, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (invited speaker) (13-10-2015). Energy and Geopolitics in Eurasia with focus on China, lecture organized by Clingendael, Netherlands Institute for International Relations, in the context of Training Course in Diplomacy, Stability and Prosperity for Junior Diplomats from Central Asia a M.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (invited speaker) (24-7-2015). Transnationalization of Chinese National Oil Companies, lecture organized by Institute of West Asia and African Studies (IWAAS)-Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), at IWAAS-CASS, Beijing.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (invited speaker) (24-7-2015). Rethinking EU Energy Security, lecture organized by Institute of West Asia and African Studies (IWAAS)-Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), at IWAAS-CASS, Beijing.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (2011). Cooperation in energy security and sustainability, Re-Engaging Europe with Asia, Re-engaging Europe with Asia , Den Haag.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (2011). Natural Resource Abundance and Resource Curse: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, Fitting the Caucasus into a Global Framework: Georgian Perspectives and International Stakes, Tbilisi.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (16-12-2010). Energy and Geopolitics in the Middle East: the case of Iran, Institute of West Asia and African Studies (IWAAS)-Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (25-2-2009). Centraal-Azie in Mondiaal Politiek, Nationaal Gasplatform 2010, Amsterdam.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (2009). Natural Resource Abundance and Resource Curse: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, paper presented at the Seminar Regional Challenges in Central Asia: Protecting the Environment, Developing the Economy and Building Civil Society, Organized by NATO Parliamentary Assembly, 71ST ROSE-ROTH SEMINAR, Astana, Kazakhstan.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (16-12-2008). The Impact of the Rise of China on Changing Geopolitical Order, lecture at the Institute of West Asia and African Studies-CASS, Beijing.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (11-12-2008). Iran Nuclear Crisis and the Middle East Security, Tongji Univ. (China).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (9-12-2008). The Financial Crisis and Its Implications for Energy Geopolitics, Institute of Russia and Central Asia Studies and Center for International Relations, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), .
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (8-12-2008). Issues of issues of International Relations and International Political Economy, School of Law and Political Science, Tongji University, Shanghai.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (20-5-2008). Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Transition in Central Asia, Clingendael.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (2008). Geopolitical Impacts of Energy Supply Security from the Caspian Region in the post-Russian-Georgian War of Augustus 2008, International Conference –Caspian Dialogue-3 , Almaty.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (17-12-2007). Zentralasien im Spannungsfeld der Grossmachtinteressen: Russland, China, USA, Albert-Ludwings-Universitat.
    • Amineh, M. P. (speaker) (17-12-2007). Zentralasien im Spannungsfeld der Grossmachtinteressen: Russland, China, USA, Colloquium Politicum, Freiburg, Albert Ludwings Universitat.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (1-7-2007). Political Islam in Central Asia, Clingendael.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (4-4-2007). Iraq in Global Politics: Past, Present and Future, Universitaire Activisten-UvA, Amsterdam.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (5-2-2007). Security Dilemma and Geopolitics of Energy Resources in Central Asia, Eurasia International Conference, Casa Asia, Ministry of Foreign Affaire, CIDOP foundation, Barcelona.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (25-1-2007). The Current Politics in the Middle East, Lecture at Institute of West Asia and African Studies (IWAAS) of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), , Beijing.
    • Amineh, M. P. (speaker) (22-1-2007). The Comparative study on Industrialization in the Middle East, Lecture at Institute of West Asia and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (7-1-2007). The Comparative Study on Industrialization in the Middle East, Institute of West Asia and African Studies (IWAAS) of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (8-11-2006). Islam in de Arabishe Wereld, Clingendael.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (28-6-2006). The post-Soviet Transition in Central Eurasia, Institute of Russia and Central Asia Studies and Center for International Relations, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), .
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (12-5-2006). Political Islam in a Globalizing World: Challenges of the Modern Civilization, Paper presented for the International Symposium 'Civilizations and the World Orders', Istanbul, Turkey.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (2006). The European Union and China Relations, Ten-year Development of Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM): Retrospect and Prospect’, Shanghai.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (22-6-2005). Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Transition in Central Asia, Clingendael.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (6-6-2005). Radical Islamic Security Threats, Clingendael.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (28-12-2004). The role of the state in transition process, National University of Uzbekistan.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (18-5-2004). A new framework for understanding global (geo-)politics in Central Eurasia, Universiteit Leiden, Leiden.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) & Rakel, E. P. (speaker) (2004). Rethinking geopolitics in the 21st century-US power projection in Central Eurasia, International Seminar on Central Asia and the Caucasus, Tehran.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (26-11-2003). The political strategic value of the Caspian Sea Region: exploiting the energy resources of the Caspian Sea, Clingendael.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (18-11-2003). Cases Kaspische Regio en de Perzische Golf: Politieke belangen en belemmeringen, Clingendael.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (16-10-2003). Global Energy Consumption and Security, Het Instituut Defensie Leergangen .
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (19-6-2003). Globalisation, Geopolitics and Energy Security in Central Eurasia and the Caspian Region, Clingendael.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (2-6-2003). Central Asian Energy Issues, Clingendael.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (7-11-2000). Geopolitics of Oil: diplomacy in the pipeline, Nederlands Genootschap voor Internationale Zaken (NGIZ).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (1999). Global Capitalist Expansion and Late Development Countries (1500-2000), 4ème Conference Europeenne D'Etudes Iraniennes, Paris.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (1999). Oil Politics in the Post Soviet Caspian Region: Conflict and C-operation, Beyond Transition: Ten Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Den Haag.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (1998). Capitalist Development in Underdeveloped Areas of Global System: the Case of Iran (1500-2000), Annual Conference of the Association des Chercheurs Iraniens (ACI) , London.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (1998). Global Change: Central Asia in Transition, Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA), the 32nd Annual Meeting, Chicago.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (1998). Global Change, Towards a Global Theoretical Consider-ation: The Case of Iran, 16th annual Conference of the Center for Iranian Research and Analysis (CIRA), Portland.
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (speaker) (1998). Global Change: State and Society in Central Asia and Caucasus, 5th DAVO-Kongress.


    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (organiser) (21-12-2016). Research Oriented Meeting Titled Geopolitical Economy of Energy and Environment. China and the European Union., Leiden. Energy Programme Asia-International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, in Cooperation with Institute of West Asia and African Studies-Chinese (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (chair) (27-6-2016). Critical Perspective on Governance by Sustainable Development Goals, Amsterdam. Organizer Panel and Chair: "Sustainable Development Goals in Asia" (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (chair) (27-6-2016). Sustainable Development Goals in Asia, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (organiser) (18-3-2016). Research Oriented Meeting Titled The Transnationalization of Chinese National Oil Companies and Energy Supply Security: China and The European Security, Leiden. Energy Programme Asia-International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, in Cooperation with Institute of West Asia and African Studies-Chinese (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (organiser) (4-5-2015). Energy Programme Asia-International Institute for Asian Studies in Cooperation with Institute of West Asia and African Studies-Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, at Leiden Law School, leiden Universi. Research Oriented Meeting Titled The Transnationalization of Chinese National Oil Companies (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (organiser) (10-3-2015). Energy Programme Asia-International Institute for Asian Studies in Cooperation with Institute of West Asia and African Studies-Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, at IIAS-Leiden University. Research Oriented Meeting Titled The Investment and Trade of Chinese National Oil Companies in the Caspian Littoral Stand Venezuela (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (organiser) (2013). Cooperation in energy policy and sustainability: China and the European Union at the Conference International Convention of Asian Scholars-ICAS-8, Macao. Panel (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (organiser) (24-6-2006 - 25-6-2006). Third International Conference of the Energy Programme Asia (EPA)., Beijing, China (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (organiser) (2004). Transnational Energy Security Forum, Leiden (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (organiser) (2004). NATO Advance Research Workshop, Leiden (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (1998). Wereldorde, staat/maatschappij-complex en sociale krachten: Kapitalistische Expansie, Periferisering en Passieve Revolutie in Iran (1500-1980). Maastricht: Shaker Publishing.


    • Parvizi Amineh, M. (2003). Caspian Energy: A viable alternative to the Persian Gulf? (EIAS-Briefing Papers; Vol. 03, No. 02). The European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS).
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