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Don't miss this upcoming ARC-GS lecture by Éric Fassin on the evolving conservative backlash against gender, race, and academia, exploring how recent accusations of campus anti-Semitism fit into a broader trend of political anti-intellectualism.
Event details of State Anti-Intellectualism
20 September 2024
15:30 -17:00
Eric Fassin

About this lecture 

Attacks against “gender ideology” launched by the Vatican since the mid-1990s only gained political traction in the 2010s. But a few years later, in the era of #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter, this conservative reaction against sexual democracy morphed into a neofascist intersectional offensive against race as well as gender, against both social movements and academia. Denunciations of “wokeness” and “cancel culture” or “Islamo-leftism” are the weapons of a state anti-intellectualism that rages from the United States to Russia, as well as in Hungary, Turkey, India, and Argentina – not to forget France. However, since October 7, 2023, there has been a new twist in this assault on academia: accusations of campus anti-Semitism. I will argue that this latest polemic is best understood as a new episode of a political anti-intellectualism that ends up whitewashing the far right while demonizing the left, before concluding that the concept of gender is a useful tool to apprehend this “actualité.”

About the speaker

Éric Fassin is a professor of sociology and gender studies at Paris 8 University, affiliated with the research center Sophiapol (Paris Nanterre), and a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. He works on gender, sexuality, race, and immigration as democratic issues. In 2021, he co-edited (with Salima Amari) Femmes en rupture de ban, unpublished interviews with two Algerian women in France by Abdelmalek Sayad (Raisons d’Agir), and (with Caroline Ibos) a collective eBook entitled Défense et illustration des libertés académiques (Mediapart).

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